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I wake up and look out a window by my bed and see that it's dark out.

The room is painted a light green and with dark hardwood floors, and there's a bouquet of flowers in many colors on the bedside table. I hear the familiar beeping of the heart monitor and feel the slight ache in my chest from my broken rib. What I've gone through definitely hasn't helped to heal it.

After getting a good look at my surroundings I start to remember what happened last night. I tried blinking away the memories of Jack, and of all the damage he'd done.

While I was thinking, I hardly noticed Taron come in. He had a tired but relieved look on his face.

"Hello..." I said, my voice coming out weaker than I thought it would.

"Hi..." He said taking a seat in one of the chairs by me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm just a bit sore, my rib and eye are hurting pretty badly." I said, and winced once I took a breath.

"Okay, I'll let the doctor know. I-uh I'm glad you're alright. We were worried about you." He says, brushing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Thank you, and uh-about earlier, I can't thank you enough honestly." I say looking at him and smiling, my jaw hurting by the action.

"No problem Haven." He says getting up to leave.

After a couple of minutes, the doctor comes in with a pill and a glass of water.

"Here you go miss Caldwell." He says handing me the pill and the glass of water.

I pop the pill in my mouth and take a couple sips of water to get it down. After making sure I finished, the doctor did a check up on my eye and made sure my rib was healing properly, and then said everything was okay.

After he left I sat back and relaxed, waiting for the pain meds to kick in. It didn't take long; about 30 minutes. I sat up slightly and turned on the tv and found the news. Just to my surprise, Robert Maxwell came up again. He took the life of yet another victim. This time a little girl, at the age of 7. Her name was Emily Ross.

I got my phone from the bedside table and put it down in my notes. Ever since my dads death, this man became a slight obsession. I would record everything down in those notes from his next victims names, to where he was last seen. Deep down I just want revenge. I want him to know that what he's doing can't be forgiven. He's hurt me and countless others and needs to be stopped.

I don't know how much info the Kingsmen have gotten of him yet, but I hope maybe some of the notes I've taken down can help. I'll have to show Taron tomorrow. But for now I need to rest, the pain meds are making my eyelids feel heavier with each passing second, and before I know it, I'm conked out.

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