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I got up early the next morning and worked out in the training room with some of my other Kingsman colleagues. They were already well into their training, about three months ahead of me.

After I was done, I got my stuff together. That's when I heard someone call over to me.

"Uh-new girl? Over here, yeah you."

"Yes?" I said in the nicest voice I could manage.

"Who do you think you are coming in here acting like you own this place? We see you with Mr. Unwin all the time, are you just his arm-candy?" I looked in the distance to see who was taunting me. It was some bloke, about 5'5 who was surprisingly muscular for his size. I laughed.

"Are you deaf? Did you hear me?" He hollered back. My stomach dropped, and anxiety filled me. It took me a second to think of something to say, and as I did, he and a couple of others in his entourage came towards me.

So much for being gentlemen. I thought.

"Like you have room to talk little guy. We're almost in the same position if you think about it. You've been here for a bit longer than I have, I'll give you that. But if you keep this whole fiasco up, you won't last long here." I said coldly.

I turned around and thought of something to add just then, and turned around.

"Oh, and I have connections here, so I suggest you calm down, little Napoleon."

"What did you call me?" His voice echoed off the walls. He came closer to me and his entourage followed. We were face to face now, but I stood my ground even though I was dying inside.

"Napoleon. Crack open a history book sometime." I said patting his head. We were just about eye-level, I was a couple inches taller.

After that I turned around and quickly walked away. His friends laughing about what just happened to their friend.

I looked over my shoulder and smirked. I didn't have time for them today.

I was scared I was going to have to fight, or curl up into a ball at some point in there, but it was all over now. I was just happy I knew the right comebacks to say.

I ran back to my room and got in the shower. After I was done, I got ready in my Kingsman attire and headed down to the meeting room. I had one last presentation and I couldn't fuck this up.

I had been here a month and I've experienced and learned so much already. But I look forward to my training.

I walk down the hall and go up the elevator to the meeting room where we had been a week prior, when Taron got the call from his mother. I sat down in one of the leather chairs and put my notepad, now almost full, and my recorder on the glass table.

I waited for Harry and Merlin to come in and as they did I rose out of my seat, in respect to them.

"At ease." Harry said, and I took my seat.

"Ms. Cauldwell, today is the last of your presentations. We expect nothing but the best of you today alright? You've made us proud." Merlin said, in a more serious tone.

"Yes sir." I said, and after a couple of minutes passed the mood lightened a bit.

"So Haven, have you been enjoying yourself here so far?" Harry asked, he always tries to make things less tense and he's known me a bit longer than Merlin.

Kingsman: When Hearts Collide COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now