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I awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon this morning. As I got up, I stretched, feeling the dull ache in my muscles, and walked into Taron's kitchen.

"Good morning babe..." I said wrapping my arms around his waist, and kissing his neck.

"Good morning love..." He said turning around to hand me a plate.

After we ate, I asked him about what the last task was, but he refused to answer.

"Taron...why can't you just tell me?" I whined as we got dressed and made our way to the training room.

"Haven...I can only help so much, and tonight, this ones on you." He said sternly.

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay." I said and then went to sit with the 4 other recruits.

Merlin then came in and had a comical look on his face.

"Hello recruits. Today is the last test. You have made it this far, but if you want to drop out now, we won't stop you." He said. I looked around to see if any of them would move, but they all remained at attention.

"Okay, well then we'll start now. C'mon." He said, and led us down the hall to the elevator and then down into Kingsman's suit shop.

The guys looked around in awe at the suits while Jackie, Charlotte, and I just stood there questioningly.

"Don't worry ladies, your wardrobe selections are just inside those dressing rooms." The tailor said, pointing to three fancy dressing rooms with our names posted on the door.

I walked into mine and gasped. There was a beautiful, golden sleek gown with gold heels and earrings.

It looked something like this:

After trying it on, I twirled around and gazed in awe

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After trying it on, I twirled around and gazed in awe. The tailor that brings my outfits every month now, knew what to put me in and what size was right for me and I couldn't be more in love.

When we got out, we went back up to our rooms, dresses in hand, and got assigned a stylist who did our hair and makeup.

After about 6 hours, each of us women were done up from head to toe and ready to start the last test.

Merlin came in after we'd made our way carefully down to the main entrance of Kingsman HQ and his jaw dropped.

"You all look stunning. Good luck tonight." He said and then ushered for the guys to come in.

George looked Jackie up and down and smiled and Jackie did the same. I always felt like they would go together.

Charlotte blushed as Nate walked up to her and took her arm in his, I couldn't stand the cuteness.

Kingsman: When Hearts Collide COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now