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My phone vibrated on my bedside table, jerking me awake. It was 7:30 in the morning, who would be calling this early?!

I groggily look over at my phone to see its Taron, so I answer it quickly.

"Hello?" I say in my sleepy morning voice.

"Good morning love, sorry to wake you. I got a call though from Harry saying that they were having a meeting at 9."

"Oh..okay, um I'll be ready soon, wh-where is the meeting being held? And what do I wear?" I ask rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"In the meeting room just down the hall from your room. Since it's a meeting with the most elite of Kingsman, wear the nicest of the outfits brought to you. Don't worry, I was confused as what to wear my first time around."

"Alright, see you at 9."

"Alright love, bye" he said and I returned the "bye" and hung up.

I didn't think he'd call me "love" but I kinda like it.

I set my alarm for 8, just to cherish those last 20 or so minutes of sleep.

My alarm sounds. Luckily, I'm a light sleeper.

I get up and turn the alarm off and force myself out of my huge comfy bed and rush to my closet and lay out my blouse, skirt, blazer, and heels. Then grab a towel from the stack of them in the little laundry room and run to the shower. I'm desperate for the warm water to hit my skin...I'm freezing right now.

After taking a quick hot shower, I blow dry my hair and put on my clothes. After that I go and apply my make up and do my hair and spritz a little perfume on. It's a sweet floral scent.

When I'm done with that, I grab an apple off the table and munch away until I get to its core and chuck it in the trashcan. I forgot that my window-which takes up the whole wall, had the curtains drawn wide open. I was running around stark naked getting my damn clothes together and on. Luckily though, it only looked out to a secluded garden and pond.

I was paranoid though and so I went and closed the curtains anyway.

After dealing with that, I went to brush my teeth and do whatever else I needed to do and then slipped my shoes on, grabbing my notepad and pen and headed out the door and down the hall.

I made it to the meeting at 8:55, I'm actually early to something for once, even if it's only by 5 minutes. As I make my way in, I see Taron sitting next to Harry and Merlin and I see a couple of other men and two women who are about Merlins age. They look very sophisticated and honestly a bit intimidating.

I see one seat open at the huge table and assume it's for me, and it's conveniently right next to Taron.

I've always been very shy so these things are kind of my worst nightmare, but I'm more calm, knowing Taron is here.

When the clock hits 9, I'm introduced by Harry and Merlin and get greetings from the men and women here with us. We begin the meeting by talking about Kingsmans rules and values, in which I'm taking note of everything they're saying. I have a recording device as well, so I can write down anything I might've missed.

It makes me think back to school, before I dropped out. Sometimes I regret doing that. I had to do what I had to do though, sadly.

I shake the thoughts from my mind just in time to hear what Merlin was talking about with Harry when they'd asked me a question. I answered correctly and earned the praise of a couple of the people with us.

This all took about 30 minutes and then we talked about the thing I was interested in most. I haven't been much of a leader or anything in my life, but today I guess was my day to take the reins.

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