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The announcer presented Charlotte, Nate, and Jackie with a gold medal, a pin for their suits and dress clothes, a ring made of solid gold for Nate, and two gold rings with a small ruby for Charlotte and Jackie. Inscribed on the inside were the words:

"Manners Maketh Man."

Taron and I stood up and gave them a round of applause and I anxiously awaited for the other awards to be given out.

As the ceremony drew to a close, I was still left empty handed in a sense. Taron noticed the disappointed look on my face and held my hand.

"Now....for the moment we've all been waiting for....." the announcer says with a smile on his face.

The queen then is escorted to the stage as the crowd applauds her.

She takes the card from the announcers hand and holds it gently while beginning her speech:

"Kingsman is a Secret Service agency like no other in the world. They train their prospective agents rigorously and effectively, all while teaching them to respect not only themselves but others as well. They are valiant in everything they do, and are willing to risk their lives to save the world. So without further ado, on behalf of  Kingsman and I, I present the most prestigious award of the night: the coveted Kingsman Ring to an intelligent, brave young woman who has never wavered in her strength, and has gotten back up through so many obstacles in her life. She is an inspiration to us all: Miss Haven Caldwell."

My stomach sank to the floor when I heard my name called. I looked at Taron with tear filled eyes as I got up. Taron gave me a hug and kiss, something a lot of the other Kingsman agents hadn't seen until now. Everyone stood and smiled, applauding as I was escorted to the stage.

I bowed a little before the Queen and smiled radiantly as I gave her a hug. She smiled and placed a ring on my right ring finger. It was gold with the same motto of Kingsman inscribed on the inside of the ring. It had a huge diamond encrusted ruby placed in the center surrounded by smaller diamonds. It was beautiful. It was unlike any other ring given out tonight and it felt so special, and it felt so unreal to be here on this stage. After it was placed on my finger, I was presented with a pin with the Kingsman logo, as well as a certificate and a specially crafted suit. I looked at them in awe, and handed all of my gifts to one of the security guards on standby and prepared myself as best I could to talk in front of everyone.

"Um...good evening everyone! I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you to all the people in Kingsman who have stood by me. Thank you to my family, my friends, and yes....even my enemies. Without you all, I....I wouldn't be where I am today. I honestly probably wouldn't be here at all. I hope that everyone here tonight can know that I will always cherish this agency, and that I will stop at nothing to protect people.

Looking back at the past year or so, it has been such an emotional roller coaster ride. I've hit a lot of lows and have had to go through so much turmoil....b-but it's become easier thanks to a few close people in my life...." I said nodding to Taron, Harry, and Merlin with tears in my eyes.

"and um....it's such a privilege to receive this award. It is the most beautiful ring I've seen yet, and I will wear it with honor along with the other gracious gifts. You all are what make this agency, and this world so great, and I-I can't wait to see what the next years bring. Thank you." I said before bowing and quickly walking off the stage.

As I made it back to my seat I saw that everyone had stood up and applauded me. Tonight has felt like a dream.

As I snapped out of my dream like state, I saw Taron smiling at me. He took my hand and held it gently.

As I smiled back, he leaned in and whispered in my ear: "I'm so so proud of you babe."

I looked up at him as a tear slipped down my face and kissed him again. My thoughts becoming twisted as our lips danced together.

Harry quickly broke our little makeout session apart by clearing his throat.

"Remember....you have to be behaved." He said smirking and patting Taron on the back.

As the ceremony died down, it was soon time to go to the after party.


As we arrived in the ball room, I could hear the murmurs of the crowd and the loud music blasting from the speakers by the dance floor.

This wasn't a typical classy after party though, they had a dj and light shows. Hell, even a fog machine. It was something that's usually not held in the ball room, but tonight we're all celebrating a job well done.

As the night drug on, everyone got a bit tipsy to say the least. This was the first time I'd seen Taron a bit drunk, as well as Harry. They'd even got me a couple of shots as well and so we all ended up stumbling around a bit a while after.

Before the last song came on though, the dj played a slow song for the couples. The rest of the agency didn't know about Taron and I's relationship, and so I was a bit apprehensive about dancing with him, but I gave in, seeing how much fun the other couples were having being with one another.

Taron looked at me and smiled widely.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked.

"Of course." I said taking his hand as he led us to the middle of the dance floor. Since I was feeling a bit buzzed I didn't really care about the glances we were getting. They weren't used to seeing two agents dating as...it's usually against protocol, but I guess we were an exception.

"Ha-have I told you that I love you?" Taron asked, slightly slurring his words.

"Yes...everyday." I said smiling.

"Well good....I love you." He said smiling.

I chuckled and kissed him as the song died down.

"I love you too. Always."

Hello loves! Sorry this one was so short. I just really wanted to update this to not leave y'all with a cliffhanger lol. This chapter was more of a fluffy filler, but I'll start updating this one a bit more in the future.

Let me know what you think!

Oh and thank you all for the reads/comments/likes etc. It makes my day! :)

~ Katie 💖

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