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Last night Harry came by my room and handed me a paper with my schedule on it. The next three weeks are for rest and meetings and then after that, training begins.

I got up early today, my nerves were getting the best of me because of what happened last night. It was sudden, but I'm not complaining.

I've never really been on a true date before and right before bed last night I texted him asking where our date will be. He just said: "it's a surprise, I'll pick you up at 12:00 pm"

So now I'm sitting here on the couch. It's 8:30 am, and I have no idea what I'm going to do for the next two hours until I have to get ready.

I decide to explore my room a bit, and see what articles of clothing I have in my closet. Last night a woman had taken my measurements and brought me a couple of outfits early in the morning, at about 6:30 am. I laid them out and saw that there was a very sophisticated blouse and skirt with a blazer and heels, a blue summer dress with heels, and a black athletic t shirt and pants with running shoes. It was limited, but certainly better than the clothes I have on now.

I went with the summer dress and white heels.

"I hope this isn't too much or too little for this 'surprise' date..." I say to myself.

After showering in the very high tech shower, putting on makeup that luckily I had in my purse, and brushing my teeth, I slipped on my dress and heels and walked out into my living room area and sat and watched the news for a bit. At 11:55 Taron texted me.

"Be there in a bit, Harry was asking about us 😅"

I laughed, slightly embarrassed because he could probably tell something was up. Harry's a wise man.

I responded: "alright, no worries"

After waiting, it was about 12:04 and I heard a knock. My stomach leaped with nerves and excitement.

Luckily, I knew how to get around in heels, or I would've fallen flat on my face.

I looked through the peephole just to make sure it was him and then smiled.

I opened the door and greeted him and then before I knew it we were heading to the garage where the cars and jets were. He grabbed one of the many keys from the wall and then clicked the button. I heard beeping from the distance and we headed towards the Rolls Royce near the exit of the garage. I hadn't noticed exactly but he had a suit on, but it was more casual than the ones he's usually been wearing.

We exited the garage and were immediately on the road and I just sat back and reveled in how fancy this car was. I've never been in a car this nice, except for recently.

After driving for a bit and casually talking about things, he turned on the radio. I've always loved music. It was and still is my escape from the everyday horrors of the world.

"So...what do you like to listen to?" I ask him.

"A little bit of everything, I have a very diverse music taste." He said, looking over at me for a second.

"Thats funny, I'm actually the same way. I can never commit to one genre."

"So what would you like to listen to?" He asks. I hate getting asked that because it's so hard to choose.

"I'm feeling an Ed Sheeran vibe, so that could work if you'd like?" I ask laughing a bit.

"Ed Sheeran it is! He's a great musician."

"Yup" I agree popping the "p"

As we jam out to a couple of Ed's songs, we make our way into a much different part of town. It seems a bit more lively here. As we go down the street I see musicians and street performers and then I see a river up ahead. We keep driving towards it, and then I see something that takes my breath away.

Over by the river, there was a garden and a patch of grass nearby. We pulled into the mostly deserted parking lot and Taron got out and rushed to the passenger side to help me out.

"Thank you." I said taking his hand.

"No problem." He said and then popped the trunk, revealing a picnic basket and blanket.

"Hope you're hungry" he said as he lifted the basket and blanket out of the trunk and carried it to the grass.

"I'm starving!" I said and followed behind him.

I helped him lay out the blanket and set up our basket and food assortments. There were grapes, apples, sandwiches, crisps, and a bottle of red wine.

He retrieved the glasses and poured us each a glass and then we ate.

After talking and sipping wine for an hour or so, we packed up and headed down the street to towards the music.

We walked hand in hand and I finally felt less nervous. Being around him helps me relax oddly enough.

"Taron?" I asked looking up at him.


"Thank you for today. It's been amazing.I loved it."

"It's my pleasure, I'm happy you enjoyed it." He said giving me a genuine smile.

"We'll have to do this again yeah?"

"Of course!" I say and laugh.

"and...by the way, you look beautiful." He said looking down at me.

"Aw thank you, and you look pretty handsome yourself." I said nudging his side lightly.

He laughed and shook his head a little.

After walking for a while, we sit at a café and listen to the band playing. When it gets to around 3:00 we head back and make our way to Kingsman HQ.

When we get inside I see Harry and Merlin talking in one of the meeting rooms and we try to walk by as quietly as possible. As we're almost to the elevator I hear Harry call out to us and so we make our way over to them.

"So did you all enjoy your date?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, it was great!" I said smiling. Taron turned a bit red and Harry and Merlin laughed.

"Well we won't keep you two for long, I'm happy you all get on so well."

"We'll be having a meeting tomorrow though, so don't forget." Merlin said.

"We won't." We both said, making us laugh.

After that slightly awkward encounter, we made it my room and said our goodbyes.

When I got inside I looked into one of my drawers and saw a set of pajamas, so I put those on and then rested as I was told yesterday.

Today was amazing, and I look forward to many more with him.


Sorry if this sucks. Hope you like it though, and let me know what you think in the comments or pm me. :)

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