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A/N: ok so I had this chapter saved in my drafts but somehow it fucked up and now it's gone, so bare with me because this chapter may suck.

*a week later*

I went into where the other recruits were training, and observed what they were doing. I was only allowed to do 30 minutes of training due to my injuries; it wasn't the thing I wanted to hear, but it's the doctors orders.

"Hello Miss Cauldwell, how are you doing lately?" Harry asked walking into the room.

"I'm doing better, I'll make a full recovery don't worry." I say with a croak. That week staying silent in the trauma center helped my vocal chords a bit, but I still sound hoarse.

I sighed and looked around, Taron was on a mission again and so he wouldn't be back for 3 days. He called me in the middle of the night to tell me, and I hadn't really been able to sleep since.

"You look a bit tired Haven, have you not slept?"

"Um..no after Taron called I got a bit anxious and it kept me up for about 4 hours and then I had to get ready to come here...I know I shouldn't worry..." I trailed off. He told me not to worry but it's easier said than done.

"Well after training, go get some sleep okay? The more rest you get the better you'll recover. We'll keep you updated on him ok?" Harry asks.

"Okay...thanks Harry." I say shaking his hand.

"No problem, now, show me what you've been doing so far. I think that with a couple more training sessions you'll get to join the recruits in the next phase of training."

"Okay." I say and then go over to the punching bags and do my thing, do a round of cardio workouts, and then do a bit of self defense training and then finish with more cardio."

"Swell job Miss Cauldwell. After you've recovered you'll do training for about two more weeks and then I think you'll be ready, does that sound good?"

"Excellent." I say smiling. I've been wanting to get to the next phase of training since I've gotten here. I'm one step closer to hopefully becoming a Kingsman agent.

After training, I went to my room and did as Harry said. I took a shower and then got into some more comfortable clothes and took a sleeping pill. Before I knew it, I was out.

I woke up and looked at my phone, it was about 5:00 pm. I fell asleep at about 11:00 am...I've been asleep for a lot longer than I expected.

I looked to see if I had gotten any messages, but to my dismay there were none to be found.

That made me worry again but I pushed that to the back of my mind and decided to plan my schedule again. I wrote down that I had training for another two weeks and then I circled the date I'd be moving on to the next part. I just hope I can make it through the next part, Taron said it was the most difficult.

My phone then lit up. I walked over to check who it was. It was my mum.

Mum: Havie! They said I'm doing a lot better than they thought. They said I'll be out tomorrow! Have you talked to those Kingsman fellows yet?

Me: That's great mum! And thanks for reminding me, I'll go talk to them right now.

Mum: alright, see you soon. Xx

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