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********4 weeks later **Haven's POV********

It was like I was in a dream...or rather a nightmare. I felt Taron's hand holding mine, I felt the little nudges of the doctors working on me, I felt the bumps as they rolled me to the operating room. I heard the beeps of the machines, I heard the urgent voices of the doctors and the panicked voices of my family. But through all this I wish I could've bounced back and told them that I was alive. I so desperately wanted to yell out that I hear them and feel them, but in my fight to survive I was unable to at the time. Looking back to that day so many weeks ago, I can still hear Taron crying and them telling stories about me. I can still hear the doctors and the bullets and the people yelling as we were under attack.

But as I sit here with the one I love at my side, I wouldn't change what happened. Taron felt like it was his fault, but it was just something that happened and I don't blame him. I'm here and I'm alive and that's all that matters.

As I sat there pondering over what happened, I looked over at Taron who was asleep. I got up carefully, trying not to disturb him and went out to the balcony after I made some tea. I've been taking it easy since our mission, and well...I kinda have to. I'm so used to pushing myself to fight through it and to train and to just suck it up and keep going, but now I've realized I just have to chill out and take care of myself. Plus, I get winded every time I go up stairs at different parts of Kingsman, so I can't start training until I'm completely healed. It's gonna be a long couple of weeks.

As I sat outside listening to the commotion on the streets a bird landed near me. I got a piece of a biscuit and held it out to it. It inched near me and looked at it warily.

"It's ok little bird...take it." I said gently.

The bird quickly took it, gobbling it up in a second. It tweeted and inched closer as I gave it another piece and I giggled to myself.

As it ate the next piece and tweeted again, it flew away abruptly as Taron opened the door.

"Oh you scared the little birdy babe!" I said laughing.

"Oh sorry love" he said chuckling. He walked over and pecked my cheek and sat down next to me.

"So I got a message from Harry a couple minutes ago..." he said looking at his phone.

"Oh yeah? What'd he say?"

"He said, and I quote: "there's an awards ceremony for the newest members regarding the mission. Make sure you two are ready to go by 5:00. It will be at Buckingham Palace and the Queen will be there. Make sure you are both presentable.""

"Oh well this should be cool! I gotta go look through my closet!" I said getting up.

"I called your seamstress and she's already putting together a gown for you as we speak. I um...kinda helped pick it out if you don't mind." He said blushing a bit.

"Oh ok, well that's sweet of you! Thanks babe." I said gathering my plate and teacup to bring to the kitchen.

"Do you have a suit picked out?" I asked.

"She's designing mine as well, so we'll see how it goes." He said.

"Ok, well I guess I should head down to the makeup team after I shower. I'm so excited!" I said.

"Ok, I'll take one after you. I'm going to go down and talk to Merlin for a bit."

"Alright." I said making my way into his bathroom.

We haven't really discussed moving in with each other, but I hope he'll consider it since I practically live here already. My mum finally got a nice house where Taron's mum and his sister live and so my flat is just kind of vacant for now except all of my things are still in there except for a couple changes of clothes.

After my shower I changed into spare clothes and went down to the hair and makeup team to let them work their magic.

By the time I was done, it was almost 4:30. Taron had got some errands done and made it back in time to get into his suit. I stood up and looked in the mirror and gasped. The dress was beautiful. It was a little restricting but I could still move pretty well in it. My hair and makeup was great, and I had a matching set of earrings and a diamond statement necklace. Taron came in and his jaw dropped a bit as he took in my appearance.

"Wow, great job you guys! Haven you look stunning my love." He said taking my hand and kissing it.

"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself. Oh and nice watch!" I said chuckling.

Our outfits looked like this:

Our outfits looked like this:

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"Thanks. So shall we head to the jet?" He asked giving me his signature half smile and a wink.

"Yup!" I said and he led me towards the jet.

On our way there we sipped champagne and after about 20 minutes we arrived. We were led down the steps and we had exclusive passes. We got seats near the queen herself, and my stomach was fluttering with nerves over the awards ceremony. I don't do well in front of crowds, but that's if I get anything. I feel like I don't deserve an award, but if I do I'll probably cry. But now I have to focus and be on my best behavior.

"You okay babe?" Taron asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous."

"It'll be okay. I'm right here with you." He said taking my hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the awards ceremony for the new members of Kingsman..." the host said over the mic.

And so it begins....

Hello loves! It's been a while since I've written anything on here lol. I know I left it on a bit of a cliffhanger but I'll try to update again real soon!

~ Katie 💖

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