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My heart was beating rapidly. It was 3:00 pm and we were boarding the plane. Even though I've flown before, I'm still nervous as hell.

I listened to the pilot and flight attendants' instructions and braced myself for liftoff. That and landing were the worst parts. Merlin looked at me from his seat across from me concerned.

"Are you okay Haven?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just don't enjoy flying that much." I said trying to even my breathing.

"A potential Kingsman afraid of flying...wow" he said chuckling.

"Oh shut up. You have to be scared of something too. What's your fear?" I asked play punching his shoulder.

He thought for a moment.
"Failure." He said.

"If I mess up a mission it really gets to me, that's why I try to complete everything to the best of my ability."

"I see...well just know that we aren't perfect okay? It's ok to fail at things, it's how we learn." I said.

"Who's the mentor? You or me?" He asked chuckling.

"Obviously it's me!" I said laughing.

"I'm just kidding..." I said after my laughing fit.

"Oh I know." Merlin said.

"Thanks for taking me on this trip Merlin, and for I guess seeing some potential in me somehow."

"It's no problem Haven. You're good at what you do, and this could be a great experience for you." He said.

I smiled.


After the plane took off, it was easy sailing, or flying in this case. I was counting down the minutes until we landed and I guess during that, I'd dozed off.

I awoke to Merlin shaking my shoulders and my eyes shot open.

"Cmon sleepy head, time to see your boyfriend." He said joking. It's weird seeing this funny side of Merlin.

I just shook my head and stood up to stretch. We walked down the terminals and eventually got to where our bags were and made our way to the airport lobby.

I looked around and saw Harry, Taron, and my mum standing there. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him but I kept my cool.

I went to my mum first and gave her a hug. We stayed like that for a minute or so and we both were crying a bit.

"Havie I'm so glad you're here! Thank you so much for doing this sweetie."

"It's my pleasure mum, and I'm so happy to see you, I've missed you so much." I said.

"Me too Havie, me too."

"Welcome home love..." Taron said behind me.

I turned around and hugged him. The scent of his cologne hitting me instantly.

"Hey babe! I've missed you." I said kissing his cheek and he blushed.

"Oh Havie?" My mum asked.

"Yes?" I said a bit flustered myself.

"You didn't tell me that Taron was such a nice fellow. You got a good one dear." She said winking.

Oh my god mum why

I just laughed it off. I looked back over to Taron and he smiled and took my hand.

"Let's get going love, I haven't forgotten your surprise..." He said.

"Okay, okay hold on let me say goodbye to everyone..." I said hugging my mom and then saying bye to Harry and Merlin. They smirked at us, I bet they told everyone about us. Those little fuckers.

We drove in one of Kingsman's cars to the HQ and he led me up to his room. I don't know what to expect.

"Why are we here? I thought we were going to my place?" I asked confused.

"I thought it'd be more special if they all weren't here for me to give you this..." He said pulling a medium sized box out of his jacket pocket.

He opened it and it was a silver necklace with a large, beautiful, aquamarine on it-my birthstone. It was oval shaped and sparkled and reflected rainbows in it as the light hit it.

"It's beautiful...thank you babe..." I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"I'm glad you like it! I love you." He said pulling me closer to him.

"I love you too." I said kissing him.

He pulled away taking the necklace out of its box.

"Here I'll put it on you." He said moving my hair back, cold chills running down my spine at his touch.

"and...there!" He said smiling, turning me around to face him.

"It looks beautiful on you love." He said.

"Thanks babe. Now...what do I owe you?"

"Mm I don't know...another kiss?" He asked smirking.

"Why not." I said closing the gap between us one more time, kissing him passionately.

I pulled away hearing my mum and Merlin walking down the hall.

"Well, I better go..." I said looking down at the ground.

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow love." He said tilting my chin up and kissing me once more.

"Thank you for this babe. Love you too." I said and he smiled.

I walked out smiling, fumbling with the necklace. I loved it so much.

Lmao this was a bit lame but omFG I love Taven in this so much okay oops.

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