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A/N: lol yo I'm back. It's been like 3 years but with corona I have nothing else to do so...yeah! I hope this chapter is decent as I'm a little rusty, not gonna lie. In the meantime, I thought I'd let y'all know I've graduated college and now I have so much free time omfg. Honestly it's a little terrifying, but I'm hoping to be more active on here soon and to crank out some different stories before long. I love you guys though, and I can't thank you enough for all the support, I literally NEVER thought something I wrote 95% off the top of my head would reach so many people but I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, so thank you!


********We love a good time skip, so fast forward 5 months*********


I went to bed early and snuggled up next to Taron. We had just gotten through a meeting and sleep was calling my name. I can't remember much as I drifted off, except that I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't right. I told Taron and he assured me everything was alright, as I was worried about intruders which I would worry about from time to time, but he reassured me that everything was secure. So I later fell asleep. The only thing, is that I never remembered how I got to where I am, not until now. Everything after falling asleep was just a blur, everything turning to black.


I took a look down at my feet. They're swollen and tied up. I feel water spraying down on my hands from water sprinklers, as I hear screaming in the distance. I struggle as I start feeling a pool of water forming at my feet. My hands are tied above my head as I stand against a cold, steel pole. The room is dark, my breathing is jagged, and my skin has goosebumps forming every millisecond.

I look around desperate for help, but all I see is someone standing there in the distance, in a room that's dimly lit. He's smirking in a sadistic way, his eyes black, emotionless. As I try to get a hold of my surroundings, a loud buzzer goes off, sending my heart rate up. I scream for Taron as I feel a warm sensation flowing down my legs and into the cold, rising water. I desperately try to release my hands, banging my hands and scraping the ropes with my wrists, desperately trying to free them.

They begin to go numb as each fiber grates against my skin, rubbing my wrists raw. I wince and tense up in pain as a contraction hits. I try to steady my breathing as I work my fingers on the knots, but the bad thing about rope is that when wet, they're harder to undo. And that's exactly what is happening now. The sprinklers going off managed to shower the ropes in water, and I damn near ripped my fingernails off getting them undone.

"1, 2, 3, 4..." I count between the contractions, cringing at the thought of the next one coming. I manage to get my hands free as the water rises to my stomach, and up to my lungs. As I tear the now bloody ropes off my wrists, I grasp the pole as I almost fall face-forward into the watery abyss.

After about 5 minutes, another contraction. I scream as I see my reflection just slightly. I'm still in my pajamas from that night. "Oh to be back home, safe and warm in our bed." I thought.

I don't even remember how I got here. I'm just hoping this is all a dream. I get lost in thought as I fight through another contraction.

"Haven...you have to free yourself. Now." I think to myself. I take in a shaky deep breath, and duck under the water which was almost up to my neck, and I desperately reach for my feet. The only thing is that now that I'm 9 months pregnant, this is almost impossible, but I come up for air, re-thinking my escape. I've felt trapped and tied down by things all my life, and I can't let myself and my baby go out like this.

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