Ch 5 // High

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-Jack POV-

A week and a half passed by. Gilinsky was still unconscious in ICU and the doctors couldn't give any feed back. He was barely surviving on his own.

Jesy and I spent most of our time together trying to keep our minds off the fact that Gilinsky could die. We tried to stay as positive as we could. But really it was just school that helped us cope. We've had a tonne of work to do especially since we're in our senior year.

Jesy insisted she was fine, but I'd seen her come to school with red puffy eyes. I'd see her cry in her car after school. It all made me sad but she needed her space and so the past 2 days I've kept a distance.

"Where have you been lately?" Jesy asked the second I turned around from my locker.

"Busy." I shrugged.

She folded her arms. "Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not." I shrugged again. I had to be careful or my shoulders might detach from my arm if I shrug any more.

"You are." Jesy looked down and sounded wounded. "When I need you the most Jack."

I sighed. "I just wanted to give you space like you wanted. That's all."

"Don't give me space." She said. "I just need someone to talk to."

I pulled her into a hug, she exhaled in relief as I held her gently. We swayed on the spot, her hair in my face smelt like flowers. I didn't want to let her go but knew that I should.

"Can we go see him today?" She asked me.

He pulled away and nodded. "I'll pick you up at around 2 - visiting hours and we'll go together."


2 o'clock came.

Jesy and I were in Gilinsky's hospital room again, he looked the same as a week ago just less bloody. But he has more tubes hooked up to his body now, I felt sick just looking at the scene.

Jesy sat beside Gilinsky and held his hand every time. She would talk to him - tell him about our day and school - like he could repond. Sometimes I almost wish he could.

"Visiting hours are almost over." A nurse walked in with Mrs G behind her. We nodded and decided to leave - give Mrs G some time with her son.

We said our goodbyes and left. I couldn't get Mrs G's sad expression out of my mind, I felt horrible and hated that place even more now.

"I hate going there." I told Jesy. I drove us back home.

"Me too." She wiped her eyes and looked out out of the window. I wish I could say more but that was really it - nothing could make it easier.

When we got to my house, Jesy decided we should do homework together, work on our assignments together. I smiled - more distractions were good.

Thankfully Brianna was home. Jesy hugged her for what seemed like hours. Jesy cried more, Brianna said something and then she laughed loudly. Weird.

"I was heading out to meet Sammy but I can stay if - "

"Oh no go!" I smiled. "Jack and I are about to do some homework anyways. I think Sammy needs you more than you think."

"Please don't convince Bri." Jack groaned.

I laughed. "She's old enough!"

When Brianna left, Jesy and I headed to my room to get started. We tried to get a few questions done but I couldn't concentrate, my mind wasn't there.

We sat crossed leg on my bed when I gave up trying.

"I'm so fuckīng depressed." Jesy gritted her teeth and threw the math book aside.

"Distractions are stupid. We need to do something else." I kicked the books off the bed in annoyance.

-Jesy POV-

We were silent for a while. Thinking.

"We should get high." I finally said.

"What?" Jack snorted.

"I'm serious." I said to him. "I want to get high right now and just..forget."

Jack looked at me for a while. For a second I thought he might say no and yell at me for even thinking of doing that. But he agreed.

"I have some blunts in the basement that G and I lit a couple times." Jack told me.

I couldn't help smirk. "What are we waiting for?"

Together Jack and I went down to the basement. Nobody was home so his mom wouldn't kill us. We kept the lights off so it was dim inside. Call us emo, this was quite a mood lifter.

"Are you sure Jes? I don't want you to like get hooked on this shīt." Jack said as we sat down, blunt in his hand.

"Its just a distraction." I shrugged. "Its not like we're major potheads!"

So we lit the blunt and passed it back and forth.


A few minutes later Jack Johnson and I were high. Lying on our backs on the floor in the dark basement.

We were laughing hysterically at monkeys dancing on the ceiling. Tears of laughter rolling down my eyes as Jack pointed to them chanting "Monkeys!" the whole time.

"Holy shitsticks." Jack sighed deeply and turned his head to the side facing me.

"I've never felt so freeeee." I giggled and faced him.

Our faces were now inches apart, our lips almost touching. The closeness was so instant I couldn't bring myself to back away and simply stared at him. We were still smiling, giggling every now and then. His blue eyes lit through the darkness.

"I want to kiss you right now." Jack laughed still looking at me, his eyes flickered down to my lips.

"You should kiss me." I giggled like a little girl.

And so he did.

Our lips met in an explosive burst of fire, thunder, passion and desire. Every heart breaking emotion and depression was sucked away when his lips touched mine.

Jack rolled over onto me, not breaking the kiss for a second and then leaned on his forearms for support. His tongue traced the inside of my mouth sending shivers down my body while my hands tugged his soft blonde hair.

We shouldn't be doing this. We should be at the hospital being supportive and true friends. Instead we were making out in Jack's basement.

But nothing tore my lips away from Jacks, kissing him was letting go of all the hurt and pain. It was like starting over - I have never felt anything like that. And it felt so right - but so wrong.

After what seemed like forever of kissing, Jack pulled away. Our breathing heavy, sweaty foreheads pressed together in the smoky room.

"Jesy." Jack grew serious, got off me so quickly - like I scared him. "I shouldn't have done that."

He touched his lips and glanced at me with the same loving eyes, except now they were full of regret. And it actually hurt me that Jack felt that way when the kiss was just wonderful.

I shook my head. "Uhh..I'm just...gonna go now. Yeah."

I grabbed my stuff and walked out at the speed of lightening, leaving Jack stunned behind me. My legs were shaking from anxiety as I walked out of his house. I half hoped he would come after me but he didn't.

A simple kiss changed everything.

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