Ch 19 // Too Much Love

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-Jesy POV-

I carried two cups of coffee to Gilinsky who was still bedridden in hospital, only now he can walk around and do more stuff that usual. I walked in, he smiled at me immediately as he tried to put on a new shirt.

"Oh wait let me." I said putting down the coffee. I helped Gilinsky put on his shirt, making sure I didn't hurt him.

"My savior." He kissed my forehead and took a cup. "And you brought coffee!"

"Your favorite." I smiled as he sat down in one of the chairs.

"Yes you are." Gilinsky winked.

I laughed. I mean Gilinsky made me happy, he always did but now someone else was doing that.

"So how are you going to write finals, it's in like one week." I said sitting next to Gilinsky who pulled me closer. "Maybe they'll let you write it here."

"Actually." Gilinsky smiled. "I'm getting released tomorrow."

"What? That's great." I tried to sound excited but my mind only raced to how this would affect us all.

"Isn't it? I feel better, I'm even feeling fit already."

"Well that's great! I know everyone's gonna be happy to see you back at school." I said to Gilinsky.

"And I can't wait to be with you more though." He said. "I'm gonna need all the study help I can get."

"I'd be happy to help." I kissed Gilinsky on his cheek.


"Tomorrow?" Jack asked as we sat opposite each other in Java Jones. I had just visited Gilinsky in the hospital and left to meet Jack here.

I nodded. "Maybe we should tell Gilinsky already. Jack I can't deal with all the guilt of knowing what we've done."

Java Jones was semi packed. I smiled at Brianna sitting with Sammy in a corner and noticed Taylor here with a girl. A guy just took the booth behind Jack and I.

Jack shook his head. "I want to Jesy! I hate hiding like this but its going to kill G and I don't want to do that."

I groaned and buried my face in my hands, I felt Jacks hands rub my arms slowly. I looked up slowly to find him looking at me with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry Jes." Jack frowned. "I wish we could just start over."

"I don't."

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"Because then I wouldn't have gotten closer to you." I said. "I wouldn't have met the most amazing guy ever."

Jack hid his smile with his hand. "You're not supposed to make me blush."

I laughed. "You're cute when you blush."

"So I've been told." Jack chuckled.

We had a moment where we just looked at each other, smiling. I couldn't leave Jack no matter what the situation. I love him and walking away would be unfair to what I wanted.

"We'll figure this out somehow." I said. "I dont know how or when but we will."

"Time will fix everything." Jack agreed.

"So uhm friends for now?" I smiled.

Jack nodded. "Yeah."

We both got up, ready to leave the cafe so we could study for finals. I was stoked to get cracking on biology today. We walked out to his car, the parking lot empty with everyone in the warm cafe.

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