The Apple

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A/N: I just want to say there is NaruHina involved in this story. You have been warned. Also the events from both Assassins creed and Naruto will be different then there original stories, but there will still be some similarities. Anyway I hope you enjoy!


It was a  warm and clear night. No clouds in the sky for miles only stars as far as the eye could see. Sadly not everyone could enjoy it. A man sat over piles of papers. His black hair was pulled over his shoulder and he had only one good eye for the other one is blind from a past injury that left a scare down his eye. He had been working all day on his paper work after all running a city wasn't easy. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Sir there is a man here to see you." A young man told the older man. 

"Who?" The older man asked.

"He never gave a name only he said, An apple has fallen from the tree." 

The man shot out of his chair at these words. He told the young man to let the stranger in. He was an older man in his fifties by the look of him He removed the hood he was wearing to reveal a bald gray bearded face.

"Mario!" The man yelled with joy.

"Luigi! How are you my friend?" Mario yelled back hugging the man.

"Good and I bring great news." Luigi said sitting in the chair in front of Mario's desk.

"So it seems. Please rest I'll have drinks and food brought to us." Mario said signaling a man to bring there drinks and food. They sat there joking and laughing as they ate and drank. Then it was time to get to work.

"So is it true? You found one?" Mario asked pouring another drink.

"If all my Intel is correct it is in an old temple made by the ones before us, in India." Luigi said taking a drink.

"The ones before us. Well lets go get the gift they left us."

"I'll take you there Mario." Luigi said.

"Oh no I'm not going I have a city to take care of."

"Then who will go?"

Mario looked at the sky it truly was a nice night. He could see another person in a hood standing on a roof. He knew who it was.

"My nephew Ezio Auditore will go."

"Ezio?" Luigi asked. "Giovanni's son when did he become an Assassin?"

Mario had to keep the tears back. He remembered his brother and how him and his two other sons were hanged by the Assassin's old enemies the Templars.

"He became an Assassin after he watched his father and brothers get killed by Templars."

"I'm so sorry." Luigi told Mario.

"It's in the past for now lets focus on the future and get the piece of Eden." Mario said lifting his glass.

"Yes, lets focus on the future." Luigi agreed raising his glass as well.


The young man looked into his Uncles room seeing him toast with someone. He hoped it was a lead on the Templars so he could get revenge. Rubbing the scare on his upper lip he remembered the young Templar that gave him it not to long ago maybe a year ago. Removing his hood his black hair ponytail fell behind his back. He could feel it, there was something coming but what?

Ezio pushed this feeling off and ran across the roof tops. Jumping roof to roof reminded him of the times he spent with his older brother do the same thing. One day he will avenge his Brothers and Father but it would have to wait. It was the next morning and Ezio was called to see Mario. 

"You wanted to see me Uncle?" Ezio said walking into Mario's room.

"Yes I have a job for you." Mario told him.

"Did you finally find the Templars?" Ezio asked.

"You need to forget revenge and focus on protecting those still alive." Mario lectured him.

"So we just let the Templars get away for the murder of my family?" Ezio protested.

"Of course not. They will pay but first we need to stop them from getting a piece of Eden." Mario told him.

"A piece of Eden?" Ezio asked. "What is that?"

"The pieces of Eden is an artifact used by powerful beings that came before us." Mario said. "The pieces of Eden can control the very will of men and the Templars could use it to rule the world."

"So we found one and you want me to get it, right?" Ezio asked.

"Yes, my old friend Luigi will take you to a temple in India." Mario said. "There you will take the apple of Eden and bring it back so no Templar can use it."

"Then what?" Ezio asked.

"Then," Mario began. "We take down the Templars."

Hey guys here is chapter one! Tell me how I did and if I need to fix anything in the future. Next chapter Ezio and Luigi will go after the apple.




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