India and New Toys

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Luigi and Ezio had left Mario's city three weeks ago and were now on a ship to India. There was a cool breeze that morning as they drew closer to India. Ezio stood on the deck looking at the rising sun. It took a few days for him to get use to the way the ship moved, but he still seemed to struggle when he walked. He had been up for most of the night he rarely every got sleep any more not after the hanging of his family. The bags under his eyes told that to anyone.

"I'll sleep like a baby after the Templars pay." Ezio told him self.

"How do you plan to avenge your family if your tired when we fight the Templars?" Luigi said walking up to him.

"Don't worry about me," Ezio said. "When the day comes I'll be ready."

"Don't let revenge take over your actions." Luigi said. "Kill for revenge and you'll lose everything you still have."

"What would you know about loss!" Ezio yell sick of people telling  him to give up on his quest of vengeance.

"I now how you fell because the Templars killed my family as well," Luigi said understanding the boys pain. "I joined the brotherhood to get revenge then I almost lost site of those I still have."

"I'm sorry Luigi." Ezio said feeling bad for what he had said.

"It is the past my young friend," Luigi said accepting the apology. "Now go get some rest we arrive at India in the afternoon."

Ezio did as he was told and went below deck. Luigi looked to the sky saying, "Your son is just like me when I was his age. You should have moved in with your brother like I told you Giovanni."

The day drew on as Ezio sleep. He was then awoken by Luigi in the afternoon. Just like he said they had arrived in India by the afternoon.


They docked the ship and were off to find the rest of there companions who were in a tavern in the city. Luigi had taken the burden of finding the right people for the job.

"I have asked a few people to help us on are journey there are thirty of use in all." Luigi said.

"Thirty?" Ezio asked. "With such a large group of people we will draw lots of attention."

"Yes I know," Luigi told Ezio. "But we do not know if the Templars know of the apple so we must be quick."

Ezio thought that made sense. Besides the faster they got the apple the faster he got to find his families killer.

"I do believe you know one of the people I hired." Luigi said. "He goes by Leonardo da Vinci."

"Leonardo is here?" Ezio asked.

"Yes." Luigi replied. "A very smart man how do you know him Ezio."

"My mother introduced us." Ezio said as he released his hidden blade, the Assassin's iconic weapon, from under his arm. "He also fixed my father's broken blade for me."

"I see well I found some blue prints for new tools from past Assassin's on my journeys." Luigi said. "Leonardo agreed to remake these new tools for us."

"That sounds like Leonardo." Ezio said. "I can't wait to see what he made."

They had been walking for an hour before reaching the red dragon Tavern. When inside they meet with there fellow travelers that had been waiting for them. Amongst them was a dirty-blond hair  colored man who's hair reached his shoulders. He wore a little red hat and cape. Unlike Ezio's small white cape that came over his shoulder this man's came to the bottom of his back. They both hugged one another like long lost friends.

"Leonardo it's been to long." Ezio said.

"Yes it has," Leonardo began. "I herd of your father and brothers I'm so sorry."

"It's in the past." Ezio said smiling at Luigi. "For now lets focus on the present."

"Tell me Leonardo," Luigi asked. "Did you finish the new tools?"

"Oh yes, but I'm afraid there's only one of each of the items." Leonardo told them. 

"That's fine give them to Ezio," Luigi said. "Then at the cover of night teach him how to use these new tools."

They agreed and left to get ready. As soon as darkness covered the city they left to a secluded area. When they were far enough from the city Leonardo pulled out a wooden box and opened it. Inside was a second hidden blade, A new glove, and a new invention that would go on Ezio's hidden blade.

"This new hidden blade is so you can kill two enemies at once, this glove is made of a material that will make it easier to climb, and this new item for you hidden blade it's call the hidden pistol. It can shot small lead balls."

"These are amazing," Ezio said. "Do they work?"

"Well of course." Leonardo said. "Put them on and test them out."

Ezio did so pulling on his new climbing glove and strapping on the new hidden blade and pistol. He then used the glove to climb an old, forgotten, building on the outskirts of the city. It made his grip on ledges stronger and faster to get up a building.  Then he preformed a double assassination on two test dolls using his new hidden blade. Last he loaded the pistol on his wrist aiming at the last test doll. He pulled the trigger and with a loud bang the doll fell with a huge hole in it's chest.

"This is amazing." Ezio said. "You've done me good brother!"

"Thank you, thank you, you're to kind." Leonardo said. "We should be going back to the tavern we leave first light for the temple."

"Yes your right. Let us go back." Ezio said playing with his new toys. They went back to the tavern and went to bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.


Here is Chapter two I hope you all enjoy. Tell me if I need to in prove on any thing. Next time Ezio and the others make it to the Temple, but there not alone.



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