The Second Test, Enter The Forest of Death

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Do to it being winter the days grew shorter so the next day was here in no time. Naruto was ready for the next challenge. He wore his Assassin robes with his Katana over his back, and his small pouches on his legs had his Shurikens, Kunai, Smoke bombs, Mustard bombs, and Cherry bombs. Just as he went out the door he heard a quite voice that sounded as if it came from someone that was just asleep.

"Were are you going Naru?" The voice asked.

"I have something to do." Naruto said. "Shouldn't you be in bed Aiko?"

Aiko rubbed her eyes and yawned. Like always she was wearing her bunny pajamas. She must have heard Naruto getting ready and came to check it out.

"Will you be home soon." She asked.

"Maybe," Naruto replied. "Haku will be watching you today. You remember Haku right?"

Haku had come around once and a while to see Naruto. He and Aiko seem to get alone very well. Ezio would have watch her, but he was tied up with protecting the village from Orochimaru in the shadows. The little girl understood him, but was to tired to say anything. Naruto picked the girl up and put her in bed.

"You've gotten good at this stuff." Someone said.

Naruto turned to see Itachi standing in the door way. Itachi gave Naruto a wave and made a sign for him to fallow.

"You know I hate having you sneak in my house through the shadows," Naruto said. "Aiko sometimes comes to me saying see saw a monster in her closet. Is that you?"

"Are you implying I watch you two as you sleep?"  Itachi asked.

"Answer the question." Naruto said.

"Fine you caught me," Itachi said. "Ezio has me watching you two just to be sure your okay."

"Speaking of Ezio," Naruto said. "Are you here because he's given new orders?"

"Yes I am." Itachi said. "Like he said before we are going to make sure there are no deaths in this exam, so he has me, Zabuza, and Shisui watching everyone. This way people you can't save will be up to us."

"Good," Naruto said. "Know if you'll excuse me I must go meet my team."

Naruto took off just as Haku arrived. They watched him go and Itachi soon fallowed. It was about time for the next part of the exams to begin.


All the teams stood in front of a giant gate that separated the from a huge, dark, snow covered forest. It made almost everyone uneasy. Naruto and Gaara looked around at the teams and saw there targets. From the Intel Gaara's uncle gave the sound ninja worked with Orochimaru so if they tried anything there dead. Then there was that creepy group from the grass village they were no doubt up to something.

Anko went on talking about the exam and Naruto half listened. When she said the forests name and why it was given it. Kiba of course made a smart ass comment. Anko through a Kunai at Kiba cutting his cheek catching everyone of guard. Naruto want to laugh out loud, Maybe that would take Kiba down a step or two. Then Naruto saw a grass Shinobi pick up Anko's Kunai and went towards them. The grass ninja tried to get behind Anko who had been behind Kiba trying to scare him, but the ninja didn't get to them.

Naruto's Katana had stopped his advance. The ninja held the Kunai in his long tongue creeping Naruto out. This guy was weird and someone he would keep an eye on.  

"You didn't need to stop him," Anko said. "I knew he was coming."

"Sorry," Naruto said. "I had no clue so I just wanted to be safe."

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