The Fifth Hokage

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There was word that Tsunade was at a village not to far from Konoha. Naruto, Konohamaru, and Jiraiya made it there in a day. Now they had to find there future Hokage.

"Alright let's get started." Jiraiya said. "You two check the Bars and Casinos. I'll check all the dressing rooms and Woman Bath Houses here."

"Even now your a pervert." Naruto said. "No wonder Tsunade didn't go out with you."

"Be quiet," Jiraiya said. "I do these perverted things for research this time it's to find Tsunade."

"Yeah, yeah, what ever." Naruto said. "You go a look for her were every you feel like. Come on Konohamaru lets go look in the Bars and Casinos."

Naruto and Konohamaru left Jiraiya to begin there search. It wouldn't be hard to find Tsunade with Naruto's eagle vision, but Naruto decided now was the best time for Konohamaru to learn.

"Alright Konohamaru," Naruto said. "I'm going to teach you a Assassin trick on finding secrets, targets, and safe hiding places." 

"What do you mean?" Konohamaru asked.

"It's an old Assassin ability that not everyone can learn." Naruto said. "We call it eagle vision."

"How do I use this eagle vision?" Konohamaru asked.

"Close your eyes." Naruto began. "Don't use your other senses they are only distractions. We rely on these senses so much they make it harder to use eagle vision. Now calm your mind and when you open your eyes the world will look different."

Konohamaru closed his eyes and did as he was told. He closed off all the sounds of the village. He tried to not use any of his senses. When his mind was calm and empty he opened his eyes. The world was black, white, and gray. The only color was a trail of some kind of blue glow and yellow glowing areas everywhere.

"What are these colors?" Konohamaru asked.

"The blue trail is a trail your target walked." Naruto said. "Targets will appear gold, enemies will be red, and hiding spots will be yellow."

"So this blue trail will lead to Tsunade?" Konohamaru asked.

"You got it." Naruto said. "Now lets go find Tsunade."

They followed the trail to a small little bar on the edge of the village. In the bar was a long haired blond women with the  biggest boobs either of them have ever seen. Next to her was another women with short black hair and a pet pig.

"Come on Shizune," The blond said. "Lighten up and drink! Why don't you give Tonton some."

"You shouldn't drink so much Lady Tsunade," Shizune said. "And Tonton doesn't need to drink."

"I can drink when I want." Tsunade said. "We have plenty of money."

"No you betted all of it away." Shizune said.

"Blond, big boobs, drinks, and is bad at gambling." Naruto said to Konohamaru. "That is no doubt Tsunade."

"Good job boys," Jiraiya said coming up behind them. "I knew we could find her."

"We?" Naruto asked. "You spent you time peeping on women and we went looking for Tsunade."

"Fine," Jiraiya said. "Lets just get Tsunade and go. Hey Tsunade!"

Tsunade turned to then to show her red face. She had no doubt been drinking for some time. All Naruto could think of was Lee, Gai, and Kankuro when they were drunk at the Christmas Eve party. He made a mental note not to drink when he hit 21. 

"Is that you Jiraiya?" Tsunade said. "What do you want?"

"The village needs your help." Jiraiya said. "You heard about the attack on the village right?"

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