Scum or Worse?

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Hinata went home after the very awkward dinner was over. She would have to come up with some lie to tell her father explaining why she was late. Naruto was upset with Ezio for starting such a situation. Ezio only replied with, "It was only dinner there was no reason for it to seem awkward, unless you two were doing something perverted?" Naruto began to blush as perverted thoughts ran through his mind. Kurama, who had returned to Naruto's mind as Naruto thought about these images, began to yell for mercy.

"What the hell Naruto, I told you not to have thoughts like that when I'm around." Kurama said.

"Hey don't blame me." Naruto told the fox. "I didn't know you were back."

"Well you shouldn't always think like that!" Kurama yelled.

"I don't." Naruto protested.

"Kid I've lived inside you ever since you were born." Kurama told Naruto. "I know every thought you've ever had."

"Fine," Naruto said giving up. "Well I have a big day tomorrow so I'll make you a clone to enjoy yourself."

"Good," Kurama said. "Because if I see one more perverted dream or naked image in your head about that girl I'll kill you."

"Shut up." Naruto told him as he headed for his room.


Naruto woke up early the next morning to get ready for his meeting with his team. It was a good thing Naruto had let Kurama out because just like every other day he had dreamt about Hinata. He put on his white and orange hoodie then his ninja headband. He looked in the mirror in his room to make sure he looked okay then took off. On the way to the academy to meet his new sensei Naruto was joined by Sasuke and Hinata.

"You didn't get in trouble with your dad, did you Hinata?" Naruto asked.

", father says that now that I'm a I can make my own d...decisions." Hinata said.

"That's good," Naruto said with a sigh of relief. "I would have felt so bad if you did."

They arrived in one of the class rooms wear they were to meet there sensei. Though they got there early there sensei didn't instead he was the one who was late. Kakashi entered the room with a "good morning everyone." only to be greeted by the yelling of Sasuke and Naruto.

"What the heck Kakashi sensei!" Naruto yelled. "Were have you been?"

"He was more then likely reading his porn books." Sasuke said.

"It's not porn," Kakashi said. "It's a novel on love."

"Does it have sex scenes in it?" Naruto asked.

"Yes." Kakashi replied.

"Then it's porn!" Both Naruto and Sasuke yelled.

"Call it what you want." Kakashi said giving up. "So now that were done with that side topic lets introduce are selves and tell a bit about are dreams and wishes. I'm Kakashi Hatake"

"I'll start then," Sasuke said standing up out of his seat. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and my dream is to surpass my brother Itachi."

"Good," Kakashi said. "Next is Hinata."

"I...I'm Hinata Hyuga, my w...wish is to strong like my father and k...kind like my mother."

"Well Hinata," Kakashi began. "With my help you'll be just as strong or stronger then your father." 

"Then next is me." Naruto said. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and my dream is to one day be Hokaga. Believe it!"

"Don't ever do that again Naruto." Kurama said. "It will never be a thing."

Naruto: The Orange Assassin (Assassin's Creed/ Naruto Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now