Disrupt The Foundation

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Naruto woke up the next day with Hinata curled up beside him. He looked around the room and remembered what happened last night. After learning Hinata was pregnant Ezio had given him the house as a gift. Thank to Naruto's clones he was able to rearrange the house and move Hinata's belongings in less than three hours. The room that was now Naruto and Hinata's use to be Ezio's, Naruto's old room had become Aiko's new room, and Aiko's old room became the Baby's room.

"Last night wasn't a dream was it?" Hinata asked with her eyes still closed.

"Nope," Naruto said kissing her cheek. "It was all real. How do you feel?"

"Fine," Hinata said stretching. "Still a little taken back about everything last night."

"I know what you mean," Naruto said. "First we find out your pregnant, then were told we're getting married, Ezio gives us owner ship of the house, and then he makes us the adoptive parents of Aiko. It was all so fast."

"I still find it hard to hear those word." Hinata said. "Every sense we meet all I've ever wanted was to marry you and have a family, and now its happening. If this is a dream I hope it never ends."

"It's no dream," Naruto said kissing her. "I'm going down stairs to make breakfast. Aiko will be up soon, so I better get started. I'll have to make more then usual. After all your not eating for one anymore."

"Naruto," Hinata said. "Do you think you could make me Ramen for breakfast?"

"Okay now I know that kid is going to be like me." Naruto laughed. "I'll make you Ramen and knowing Aiko she'll want pancakes." 

Naruto walked down stairs and got started on breakfast. While he was cooking Ezio showed up to have a talk with him.

"Already doing your job as a Father and future Husband I see." Ezio said.

"I've made breakfast for Aiko long before you made me her Father," Naruto said. "So I'm just doing my every day work."

"Yeah sorry about that," Ezio said. "I'll explain it tonight at the Assassin meeting I've called. I need you to use the Flying Raijin to get all the people on this list. They should each still have a marked Kunai that I gave them."

"Alright," Naruto said. "But I still can't believe you did that to Aiko. She barely sees you and now you ditch her." 

"I know it will hurt her," Ezio said. "That is why I changed her memories. I changed them to where she has no idea who her real parents are and that she was in an orphanage from the time she was a baby until you and Hinata adopted her."

"You mean you made her forget her own real parents?" Naruto asked shocked.

"Yes," Ezio said. "But it doesn't matter. Some things are to much for the human brain to handle so it locks any memories of it away. When her parents were killed she couldn't handle it so all her memories of them were locked away. So it didn't matter if I took them or left them locked away she still wouldn't remember them."

"Still," Naruto said. "I know the pain of not knowing your real parents."

"I have files I put together of her real family." Ezio said. "Remember how I told you I made it to were she thinks she was in an Orphanage before being adopted? Well when she's old she'll ask about her parents and you can use the files to tell her about them."

"I see," Naruto said. "Okay I'll do just that when she's ready. So when should I get the others for the meeting?"

"Have them all at the den by Midnight." Ezio said heading for the door. "I'll see you then."


The day went on like any other. Naruto explained to Hinata about Ezio change Aiko's memories and Hinata agreed it had been for the best. They all spent the day together like a real family. Naruto had always dreamed of this,a family, his family. When Hinata and Aiko had final gone to bed for the day he went to get the Assassins Ezio had asked for. They were all to meet up in the den. There was Itachi, Shisui, Killer Bee, Zabuza, Gaara, Leonardo, and Yashamaru as well as Naruto.   

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