A Date At The Festival!

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Nothing changed even after Ezio had left. Everything Naruto did was the same as all ways, he woke up and admired his family, made breakfast, and spend the whole day with his family, but not today. Today Naruto wanted to go on a date with Hinata. He keep thinking about how they were going to get married and Naruto didn't like it. Don't get the wrong idea. Naruto wanted to marry her, but not like this. If they were getting married he wanted to be the one who asked her not be forced into it.

There was to be a festival today in celebration for Tsunade becoming Hokage. Naruto would take Hinata out for a date. Enjoy the festival, have some fun, and then he would purpose to her. To make sure Hinata and him could spend as much time together on there date he asked Sasuke's mother to watch Aiko. She was pregnant just like Hinata, so she was over joyed to watch Aiko. It would help her break the rust off her gears after not having to take care of a child for a few years. Naruto came back from his thoughts as Hinata came down stairs.

"Good morning." Hinata said wrapping her hands around his waist and laid her head on his back. "You know you don't always have to make breakfast. I can still cook."

"Your complaining that the man you love cooks for you?" Naruto asked.

"No," Hinata said. "I just feel like I should be helping more."

"Hinata," Naruto said. "Just your smile is help enough to get me through the day."

Hinata blushed at Naruto's words. She had always dreamed of him saying things like that. Naruto had finished breakfast and placed the food on the table.

"I was thinking we could go on a date together." Naruto said. "At the festival tonight. Sasuke's mother has agreed to watch Aiko for the day, so what do you say?"

"If Sasuke's mother is okay with it then I'm all in." Hinata said.

After Aiko woke up and they all ate they went to Sasuke's house. Sasuke, Itachi, and Shisui had all come back from training and were there with Sasuke's mother and father. The second Sasuke's mother saw them she jumped with joy and picked up Aiko. She always wanted a daughter, and she hoped the baby she was carrying was a girl. Everything was set and now Naruto and Hinata could enjoy there date.


The winter months were over and the spring breeze filled the night sky. It was a warm night lit up with the festival's lights. Everyone was having the time of there lives. Sasuke and Sakura, Neji and TenTen, had gone on a date just like Naruto and Hinata. Everyone of them had worn a kimono to the festival. They all tried to convince Naruto and Hinata to party with them, but they just wanted a night to themselves.

The night was young and they started it with a few games. Naruto played a few games were you had to nock over three bottles over five times to win a big prize. Of course Naruto had won the game and Hinata chose a giant stuffed penguin as there prize. It was a shame they didn't have a bunny Aiko would have loved it.

Next they went to a dance. This was there first time dancing together so it was kind of embarrassing. For an hour or so they slow danced together to every song that was played. After dancing Naruto took Hinata to Ichiraku's Ramen Shop for dinner. He had planned to take her to the most expensive restaurant in the village, but Hinata wanted to go to Ichiraku's.

"You having fun?" Naruto asked eating ramen.

"Yes," Hinata said digging into her own bowl of ramen. "This is like a dream come true."

"Just you wait." Naruto said. "It gets better."

After finishing there food they paid and said good-bye to Ichiraku and his daughter. The went and to watch some of the shows being played all over the festival. It was a play about a boy and a girl who had fallen in love, but were to scare to tell there feelings to each other. They couldn't help but see themselves on the stage. It was there own love story. They had loved each other sense they were young, but were to scared to tell one another.

Finally they left the play when it finished with a happy ending. The festival was almost over. The last event of the night was a display of fireworks lighting up the night sky. Naruto took Hinata up to the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Konoha to watch them. The full moon was beautiful, but Hinata was even more beautiful then the moon. They watched as the sky lit up in many different colors. Hinata watched them and said, "There Beautiful."

"Yes she is." Naruto said in a daze as he stared at her.

Hinata looked at him to see he was talking about her. She looked away and blushed. Her heart was beating faster and faster for every second Naruto stared at her.

"Hinata," Naruto said. "I want to talk about us getting married."

"What about it?" Hinata asked.

"I don't want to be forced to marry you." Naruto said. "If we get married I want it to be because I asked you not because your pregnant."

Hinata looked away disappointed. She wasn't angry, but sad. Sure she wanted Naruto to purpose to her, but she had been looking forward to getting married soon.

"I'm sure my father can call of the wedding." Hinata said.

"I think you misunderstand what I said." Naruto told Hinata. "If we get married I want to be the one who chose to ask you. So..."

Naruto slowly got down on one knee. Hinata's heart began to beat rapidly. She had been happy when her father said she and Naruto were getting married, but this was even better. Ever sense they were kids she always dreamed of him kneeling and saying the words that would change his life. Naruto pulled out a small black and opened it. Inside was a ring with a diamond that must have cost a good bit of cash.

"Hinata Hyuga," Naruto began. "Will you make this knucklehead ninja the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Hinata yelled jumping on him and giving him a long kiss. "A million times yes!"


Hey everyone chapter 39 is here and you know what that means. The next chapter is the last one for this book. I'll make a second one as soon as I can. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I sure did! Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Naruto spends the day with his family.

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