Welcome to The Brotherhood

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Thanks to the help of the Third Hokage all charges were dropped on Naruto. They arrested Mizuki and everything went back to normal. The Hokage gave the order that no one was to tell anyone of Naruto's involvement in the taking of the scroll. Though the Ninja there hated Naruto they wouldn't disobey the Hokage.

Naruto went to eat breakfast with Iruka before heading home. When he got back Ezio was waiting at the door. Naruto walked to Ezio and said, "good morning Ezio."

"Do you think me blind and deaf, Naruto?" Ezio asked. "I know all about you little thieving trick with the scroll."

Naruto looked at the ground in shame. All he wanted to do was be a ninja, but he guessed even that dream has it's own price to pay.

"Your behavior is inexcusable." Ezio said. "It...it...huh, it reminds me of when I was your age."

Naruto looked at Ezio who was smiling at him. He wasn't mad, but worried for Naruto. This was one of the reasons why Naruto didn't agree to destroy the village. Because of the people he cares for.

"Come inside Naruto, we must celebrate then you get to bed you've been up all night." Ezio said. 

They celebrated through all hours of the day. Ezio had made a cake, Sasuke and Hinata heard Naruto had passed and came over to celebrate with there families. It was a truly good day, and Naruto couldn't be happier.

"You were right kid." Kurama said to Naruto in the boys head. "I did suffer more then you without love like this."

"Well that time is over." Naruto told him. "So allow me to be one of the first people to care about that ugly face of yours."

"Ugly?" Kurama laughed. "Your one to talk whisker face." 

Naruto touched his whisker like marks on his face and felt hurt. These were some of the very few unique characteristics Naruto had.

"Hey I didn't chose to have these things!" Naruto shouted at the fox.

"What ever."

They both looked at each other and laughed. To be able to joke around like this truly meant they had become friends. This was no doubt a new beginning for both of them. The party ended around mid-day and Naruto retired to his bed. He had a dream about Hinata again only this time everything  Jiraiya had told him about a man and women's relationships was thrown in. Naruto was awoken by the screaming of Kurama.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it." He yelled. "If you dream about anything perverted like that again I'll kill you."

"I wasn't dreaming about anything perverted." Naruto protested.

"Bull crap." Kurama said. That's all you dreamed about was the things you could do with that Hinata girl."

Naruto tried to think of the dream again and managed to remember on part of it. Just as the image popped into Naruto's head Kurama yelled.

"Stop thinking about it baka(Idiot)!" Kurama yelled.

"Sorry this has just started happening." Naruto said.

"I know," Kurama told Naruto. "I've seen every dream you had. Believe me when I say you think about Hinata more then just a friend would." 

"I do not." Naruto said blushing.

"Oh, yes you do." Kurama laughed. "Tell you what, if you make a clone for me to control at night then I won't be in your head so you can dream of Hinata all you want."

"What ever." Naruto said. "I'm going down stairs."

Naruto could still hear Kurama laughing as he walked out of his room. It was true he had started to notice his feeling for Hinata, but chose to hide it. He feared that if he told Hinata it would ruin there friendship. It was almost dark out so Ezio should have been home, but Naruto didn't see him. Then Naruto saw a Note on the kitchen table.

"Dear Naruto,

                   I have something to ask you. Meet me in a secret room somewhere in the village. Use your Eagle Vision to find the trail I left you. When you get to the end of the trail you'll see a symbol that you have never seen before it is the symbol of the group I work for. Say the word," Nothing is true, Everything is permitted," and a secret door will open. Go inside and find me. Good luck, Naruto.

                                                                                                                                                   Your Uncle, Ezio"

Naruto had no clue what Ezio wanted or who he worked for, but he did as he was told. Activating his eagle vision Naruto saw the trail left for him and he fallowed it to the top of the fourth Hokage's statue over looking the village. There he saw the symbol and spoke the passwords, "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted." A secret door opened revealing a stair case that lead deep into the fourth Hokage's statue. Inside was many rooms and there stood Ezio.

"Good job, Naruto." Ezio said. "You found me."

"Were are we?" Naruto asked. "What is this place?"

"This it the home of the Brotherhood." Ezio said.

"Brotherhood?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, we are a group of people from every village that wants to protect everyone not just one village." Ezio said.

"So what do you do?" Naruto asked.

"We protect the free will of the people and try to end the hatred of this world by preventing new wars." Ezio told him. "We want you to join us, Naruto."

"But I only just became a Ninja, I can't just give up on my dream of being Hokage." Naruto said.

"You can be the Hokage, but you can also be an Assassin." Ezio said. "I've trained you how to be an Assassin since you could walk. Help us protect the people of this world."

Naruto thought about it and wasn't sure. He looked to Kurama for advice.

"Naruto," Kurama said. "This world is filled with hatred. As a ninja you are the cause of that hatred. By joining these people you could end that hatred."

That was that, Naruto made up his mind. He would become and Assassin. After that he would become Hokage.


The next chapter has arrived. I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you everyone for your support! Naruto is now going to become an assassin, but first he must prove himself. Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Naruto learns who will be on his Ninja team.



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