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It was an early winter morning and Ezio had just finished his train with the now seven Naruto. He had grown so fast, it felt like only yesterday when Naruto spoke his first word. Ezio had been training Naruto for a few months in hope that he would be an assassin, but all he wanted to be was Hokaga, This mad Ezio both happy and upset. He was happy that Naruto wanted to be acknowledged by the Hidden leaf and be Hokage, but he was upset because Naruto would be in great danger. If he was an Assassin he would work from the shadows and have a better chance of survival. After training Naruto decided to go outside for a walk.

"You got your coat?" Ezio asked. "What about your scarf?"

"I've got everything don't worry Uncle Ezio." Naruto told him.

"It's my job." Ezio said. He looked at the blonde boy. That scarf he had on was one of the few things his mother had left him.

"Don't get into trouble," Ezio warned him. "Tonight were having ramen so don't be late."

Naruto's face light up at the sound of his favorite food. He said goodbye and left with a huge smile on his face. Ezio couldn't help but to crack a smile.

"Is that a smile?" Itachi asked sneaking out of the shadows.

"I have no idea what your talking about." Ezio said getting rid of his smile. "How are you Itachi?"

Ezio had finished Itachi's training as well as Itachi's friends Iruka Umino and Shisui Uchiha about a year ago. They were now Assassins. There were only six Assassins in the Shinobi world now two of which Ezio trained before the nine tail's attack.

"How are things with the Clan?" Ezio asked. Many of the Uchiha had wanted to start a civil war in the village.

"So far father has managed to calm them down, but Danzo wants the Uchiha killed." Itachi said.

"Then I have to go have a talk with some old friends." Ezio said taking out his hidden blades from were he had stored them. "Could you go look after Naruto just in case any villagers or ANBU try to harm him?"

"Sure." Itachi said. "How could I let my little brother's best friend get hurt?"

With that Itachi left to find Naruto. Ezio trust each of the Assassins he trained Itachi and Iruka most of all. Ezio put on his Assassin robes that he had stored away after taking in Naruto and set off.


Naruto had been walking through the snow covered forest at the village for about an hour now without noticing Itachi watching him. To Naruto the forest was a place to be free from all his pain caused by the villagers. Everyday he went into the village he could hear them call him a monster, saying he should go die, and this caused more pain then any real wound Naruto had got while training with Ezio.

Just as Naruto began to get trapped in his depression he heard crying. He listen closer to hear voices in the forest.

"Come on apologize." A boy's voice said.

"Yeah apologize." Another said.

Then Naruto heard the voice of a crying girl say," I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Naruto went towards the voices to see three older boys towering over a girl about Naruto's age. She had short Dark indigo hair and had light lavender eyes. He had seen those eyes before, this girl was a Hyuga.

"Hey!" Naruto yelled. "Leave her alone!"

"Who are you?" One of the older kids asked.

"Hey man it's that kid." Another said.

"Yeah the one everyone hates."

"I'm not that kid, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and one day ill be Hokage!"

The boys all laughed and Itachi was about to get involved when Naruto threw a smoke bomb Ezio had trained him to use. Then Naruto used his eagle vision Ezio taught him how to use to get the girl and run. By the time the smoked cleared they were gone. Itachi was impressed not even he was able to use his eagle vision so well after a few days of learning it.

Naruto and the girl ran as fast as they could before hiding in an old huge tree. He was glade his plan worked and it was a good thing Ezio had trained him so well. The girl tried to catch her breathe and coughed "Thank you." to Naruto.

"No need to thank me I've been raised to help others in need," Naruto said. "Plus I hate bullies."

They sat there quietly not saying a word. The girl started to shiver from the cold. Those bullies had stolen her coat.

"Hey put these on." Naruto said handing the girl has coat and scarf.

"Th-thank you N-Naruto" She said a bit shy.

"How do you now my name?" Naruto asked as she put on his winter clothing.

"Y-you said y-your name during the fight." The girl said.

"Oh, right." Naruto said blushing from embarrassment. "Anyway what's you name?"

"I-I'm Hinata Hyuga." She said.

"Why are you alone out here Hinata?" Naruto asked trying to keep up the talk to ignore the cold.

"M-My father says I-I'm weak and he is d-disappointed in me." Hinata began. "I-I'm no fighter so I r-ran away. T-then those guys a-attacked me because I-I'm related to Neji Hyuga who thinks he's b-better then everyone."

Hinata began to cry and Naruto wrapped her in his arms. It was what Ezio did to him when he was sad. Naruto offered Hinata to come home with him so she didn't have to face her father so she agreed. As they started to his house Naruto and Hinata's heart started beating really fast. Being so young they had no clue what it meant so they shoved it off, but Itachi could see it in there faces.....They were in love.


Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter. This is the beginning of an ever lasting love. Tell me if the way Hinata talks is right because I'm not sure if that is how it should look. Anyway leave a like or comment and thank you for the support!

Naruto: The Orange Assassin (Assassin's Creed/ Naruto Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now