Sasuke's Mangekyou Sharingan

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Jiraiya, Naruto, and Konohamaru started off to find Tsunade while Itachi, Shisui, and Sasuke went to unlock Sasuke's Mangekyou Sharingan. Sasuke didn't now that was what they were doing. He was just following Itachi believing it was just another mission. They had been traveling the whole day through the a forest until the came to an old temple.

Sasuke looked around to see an old statue. It looked to be some kind of old sage. Itachi broke Sasuke's train of thought when he told him to make camp. It was almost dark when they finished making camp. They all sat around the camp fire. 

"Do you know why we are here?" Itachi asked his little brother.

"Are we here to make sure no one crosses the borders into the land of fire?" Sasuke asked. "We are near the border aren't we?"

"We are, Shisui said. "But that isn't why we're here. In fact the village has no clue we're out here or where 'here' is."

"Did you see the symbol on that wall over there?" Itachi asked.

Sasuke looked at an old broken wall covered in moss. At first he didn't see anything. He looked closer to see the fading symbol of the Uchiha clan.

"This temple was once used by the clan to unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan." Shisui said. "That's why we're here, so you can unlock your Mangekyou Sharingan."

"I can't," Sasuke said. "Father says it is forbidden for anyone in the clan to have it. You have to kill someone close to you to get it."

"Yes that's true," Itachi said. "But there are two ways to unlock it. You will unlock it without killing anyone."

"How?" Sasuke asked.

"Go into the temple." Itachi said pointing to the temple's dark entrance. "When inside you will under go a test, but be warned you could die in there."

"I was weak during the attack on the village." Sasuke said. "Naruto is being called a hero by many in the village for his help in beating the enemy, but I couldn't protect are home. If this test helps me gain the power to protect the village then I'll do it."

"Then go," Itachi said. "Unlock your hidden power."

Sasuke walked to the temple and walked into it. It took a second for his eyes to adjust to the lighting. He was in a tall room that looked like it could hold a giant. As he walked farther into the room he saw paints on the walls of the past Uchiha clan, but then everything grew dark. The darkness moved closer and closer until it was pitch black.

Things flashed in Sasuke's mind. Almost like someone was playing a move in his head. Blood and fire filled the streets. Bodies everywhere all up and down the roads young and old alike. Sasuke looked to see people fighting all over. It was a war, but between who. Looking closer Sasuke began to see this place wasn't just some village it was the Hidden Leaf and the people fighting were the Uchiha and the Leaf ninja. This wasn't just a war, it was a civil war.

He wanted to look away, but he knew he had to. This wasn't real, but it meant something. Sasuke watched the fighting then saw Itachi. He was locked in combat with Naruto. He stood over Naruto with his sword pointed his fallen enemy.

"Why?" Sasuke asked. "Why is this happening."

"Isn't it clear little brother?" Itachi asked "The leaf has always hated us and are power, they fear us. Danzo and the Hokage want us wiped out, so we attacked the village."

"No," Sasuke said. "This is all not real. The Hokage didn't want to kill us."

"It's true," Itachi said. "But don't think I'm doing this for the clan. I'm doing this for you Sasuke." 

"Why me?" Sasuke asked. "I don't want this."

"You may not want this," Itachi said. "But it needs done. They would all have you killed even Naruto. Why don't you help me kill him?"

"No!" Sasuke yelled.

"You still care about your friends, huh?" Itachi asked. "Then I'll just have to kill him myself. Remember Sasuke this is all so you can live."

"Then," Sasuke said picking up a kunai from a dead body. "I'll kill myself. You did all this so I can live, but if I die you wont need to kill anyone."

"Yes," Itachi said. "I wouldn't need to kill Naruto, but why not kill me instead of yourself?"

"Because your my brother." Sasuke said placing the kunai at his throat. "How can I live with myself for killing my best friend or my brother?"

"You wont have to." Itachi said getting ready to kill Naruto. "You didn't kill Naruto or me, and I doubt you'll kill yourself."

Just then Sasuke slit his own throat. He felt the blood spill from his wound and the life leave his body. It was over he was dead. Then everything was gone. Sasuke opened his eyes to see he was back at the temple. He felt his throat, there was no cut.

"So you did it." Itachi said walking up to Sasuke with Shisui by his side.

"What happened?" Sasuke asked. "The village, the civil war, and you were going to kill Naruto."

"It was your test Sasuke." Itachi said. "You just walked the path of light."

"I don't understand." Sasuke said."

"Then let us explain." Shisui said. "This temple is called the temple of light. When the sage of sixth paths created the ninja world he taught the Uchiha the path of light, a way to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan without killing anyone, but when he died the way of light was lost. An Uchiha by the name of Ibaku had the clan use the Dark path to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan by killing those close to them." 

"To him only those strong enough to kill the ones they loved could be Uchiha." Itachi said. "After years of following the Dark path anyone who knew of the Path of Light had been killed. For years no one knew of this path until me and Shisui found this place on one of are missions. We studied the old drawings and writings and discovered the second way of unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan."

"So what is the Path of Light?" Sasuke asked.

"It is when you give up your own life to protect others." Itachi said. "In your test you had the chose to kill me, Naruto, or watch Naruto die at my hands. If you had done this you would have been killed for caring about yourself and not others."

"So then the Path of Darkness is when you kill those you love to gain more power?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes," Shisui said. "But you didn't use that path. Now it is time to show us your Mangekyou Sharingan and your own Susanoo, a giant humanoid creature created by your chakra."

"You want to fight in here?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes," Itachi said. "This room was made for people to train with there Susanoo. You could set of a tailed-beast bomb in here and it wouldn't get destroyed."

"Alright," Sasuke said as his eyes changed to his Mangekyou Sharingan. "Let's do this."

Sasuke was wrapped in purple chakra that took the form of a rib cage. Shisui did the same with his green chakra and Itachi in his red. Even though Sasuke had the Susanoo he needed to learn how to control it. His train had finally begun.


A new chapter is here! I really hope you guys liked it. Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Naruto and his group search for Tsunade.

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