Uncle Ezio and The New Recruit

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Ezio had been watching the Hokaga mansion for ten minutes, but to him it was more like ten hours. He had to give up Naruto to the Third Hokaga, Hiruzen Saruobi, he was a kind old man that had taken care of Ezio in his first few years in this world. Know he, three of Konoha's elders, and the leaders of the hidden leaf village's clans were deciding what to do with Naruto. Ezio had no doubt in his mind that the Third Hokaga would do every thing he could, but to Ezio that wasn't enough.

Naruto and the whole village was never to know of Naruto's heritage for it could cause problems. If Naruto knew he was the son of a hero, and was still treated like a monster then he could snap. So Ezio agreed not to tell most of the villagers, but the few he trusted he had to tell. First he had to show the fools in that meeting Naruto was no object that could be used. After all how could Ezio say he was a member of the Assassin Brotherhood, those who fought for freedom for all, if he let Naruto get controlled by the Hidden leaf.

There were lots of guards at the meeting making sure no one would break in. Only they weren't as skilled as Ezio who had snuck passed them. He entered the meeting room unnoticed and he decided to learn more on his situation before he acted.

"We need to throw that thing in a cage!" One of the clan leaders yelled with support from most of the people there. "It could attack the village again."

"No we should use it's power as a weapon." A man with a bandage around one of his eyes said.

It was Danzo, leader of the Anbu Black Ops training program. Ezio hated him ever since he tried to force him to join him and of course he wants to use Naruto.

"No we can't control Naruto like that." Said a man with black hair. Ezio knew him it was his friend Fugaku Uchiha. "It is not are place."

"Why are you here traitor!" Someone yelled. "We all saw the nine tails was being controlled by the Sharingan just like when Madara Uchiha went rouge. Everyone knows only an Uchiha can use the Sharingan so we should also decide how to deal with you traitors."

A few clans fought on Fugaku's side wanting to let Naruto be his own person. Only Hiashi Hyuga stayed neutral not wanting anything to do with this. Finally the third Hokaga stopped the fighting.

"We must let Naruto live as he wishes. It is his future." The Hokaga said. 

"That monster has no future." Someone said.

That was it for Ezio he had reached his breaking point. He slammed his sword he always carried into the table they all sat at and got their attention.

"Next person to call Naruto an It, Thing, or Monster is going to wish they had died in the nine tails attack!" Ezio yelled in anger.

"Who do you think you are?" Said an old man with glasses, one of the village elders.

"I'm Ezio Auditore, Naruto's uncle and I am the one who will be taking care of him."

"That isn't up to you." The man said.

Just then Ezio's hidden blade slide out of his sleeve. He was in no mood to be tested by anyone. One way or another Naruto was coming with him.

"Well then it's decided," The Hokaga said. "Ezio will raise Naruto and he will live a peaceful life."

"Your giving into him lord third?" Someone asked.

"Oh yes, if I said no he would attack us to save Naruto. He would die, but he would take most of use with him."

Everyone final agreed and Ezio took the child. Just as he was leaving Ezio told them one last thing, "If anyone tries to hurt, kill, or capture Naruto I will kill you so keep that in mind. Mostly you Danzo."

With that Ezio left the room with everyone speechless. They knew Ezio was strong maybe as strong as a Hokage so they could tell he meant every word.


Ezio knew nothing about raising a baby, but he knew who did. Fugaku's wife was friends with Kushina and she had just given birth not to long ago. He had no doubt they would help him. When he got to Fugaku's house Fugaku had just got back.

"You made quite a show today." He said.

"Thank you I practiced all morning." Ezio said to his friend.

"Funny, I guess your here to talk to Mikoto?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes and no. I also need to talk with you."

"Then lets go inside."

They went inside and were meet by Mikoto, a women with long black hair, and her new born baby Sasuke. Ezio told both of them who Naruto's parents were and asked them for help. They were more then happy to help Ezio whether it was protecting Naruto or teaching him how to take care of the baby.

"Thank you for your help." Ezio said as he was about to leave.

"No problem, bring Naruto over anytime to play with Sasuke." Mikoto said.

"I'll be sure to take you up on your offer." Ezio said as he and Naruto left for home. They didn't get far until they were stopped by a young Uchiha. It was Fugaku's oldest son Itachi.

"You must be Ezio. Your friend Leonardo told me lots about you." Itachi said.

"Did he?" Ezio asked as he silently damned Leonardo. "All good things I hope?"

"Yes and that's way I would like to ask," Itachi began. "Would you train me and two others to be assassins like you?"

"Why?" Ezio asked taken by surprise.

"The nine tails attack was no accident," Itachi said. "I was caused by someone's hatred for the leaf. We want to stop that hate so the next generation like Sasuke and Naruto don't have to."

Ezio thought about it and started walking home again as he gave his answer. "Tell no one, be at my house tomorrow at midnight there your training begins." With that Ezio walked home holding Naruto close to him thinking how much fun training assassin's and raising a kid would be.


There it is the next chapter. Leave a like or comment to tell me if I need to fix anything for the future. Thank you for your votes and read my other works to see if you like them! Have a great day and thank you for your support. ^-^



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