Enter The Preliminary Round!

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The walked to the tower in the middle of the exam area. They entered it to reveal an empty waiting area. On one of the walls was old writing that talked of the heaven and earth scroll. Naruto understood what the message said. It tolled that to be a good Shinobi one must have a good mind "heaven" and a strong body "earth". Without both you are doomed to fail.

"That's some good advice," Kurama told Naruto. "Make sure you listen to it."

" I think I have a good mind and strong body thank you." Naruto told Kurama.

"What every," Kurama replied. "Know open the scrolls."

Naruto took both the scrolls and laid them on the ground. He looked at his team mates who gave him the okay. As soon as Naruto opened the smoke filled the room. When it cleared a man they all knew stood in front of them.

"Long time no see." He said.

"Iruka Sensei?" They all yelled.

"You all look like hell." Iruka said.

"It wasn't easy Sensei." Sasuke said.

"Well then let me be the first to congratulate you on being the second group to pass the 2nd exam." Iruka said.

"Wait if were second," Hinata said. "Who's the first?"

"A group of Sand ninja." Iruka said.

"I see," Naruto said. "So Gaara's team made it."

"I see know that I was wrong," Iruka said. "At first I thought you guys weren't ready. I was so wrong, but listen to me you all must be tired we have medic ninja here to help you guys and food as well so please enjoy your well deserved rest."

Hinata and Sasuke went to the Medic ninja, but Iruka want to speak with Naruto. It must have something to do with Orochimaru.

"Are you okay Naruto?" Iruka asked. "Did Orochimaru do anything to you?"

"During the battle some of the nine tail's chakra was released," Naruto said. "So he had to strengthen the seal. Other then that he didn't do anything to me. All though he did put some mark on Sasuke's neck."

"A mark huh," Iruka said. "I'll have to look in one this. For now rest for the next three days, and... make me proud."

Naruto smiled at Iruka and gave him a thumbs up. Iruka watched the boy leave. He no longer was that boy from the academy he had known, he was Naruto, The Leaf Shinobi and Assassin of The Brotherhood. For the next three days they enjoyed there rest and watched there competition grow. Naruto had refused any medical treatment other then the ointment Hinata gave him. It made Hinata happy that Naruto really like his gift.


Finally the last of the teams had arrived. More then half the people that went into the forest didn't make it, but Itachi did pop up before to tell Naruto the only people who died were before the 2nd exams began. No one needed to tell Naruto who did it. It had to be Orochimaru.

Naruto looked at all the passing ninja. The sound ninja some how made it, Kabuto's team, Gaara and his siblings, and all the rookie genin from the leaf. It was time to start the next round, but first the Hokage had a few words for everyone. Naruto had to suppress a laugh when Kurama said, "We interrupt your program to bring a word from are sponsors, donate one dollar to help old people like me start wars with other old people from other villages."

"Shut up Kurama," Naruto hissed. "Your going to make me laugh."

"Well what do you think these exams are for?" Kurama asked. "They really are preparing you for war."

"Shhhh," Naruto said. "His starting."

"Before I tell you about what the third test entails I have something to tell you all that you should hear," Lord Third said. " It is the true nature behind the exams. Why do you think are country preforms these exams with are allies? To raise each Shinobi's skills and strengthen friendship for sure, but it's important you understand it's true meaning. The exams are so to speak...."

There was a long pause. Naruto could tell he was going to say something he didn't like. He was hoping he wasn't going to say anything about war, but Naruto already new he was wrong.

"They are a representation of the Nations. Each Nation we hold these exams with once waged war on each other for power." Lord Third said. "In order to not destroy each Nation's military power senselessly they chose champions to do battle for the pride of there Nation at mutually selected locations this was the start of the chunin exams. Many leaders from foreign lands and providences come as guest and when here they watch the exams to find Shinobi to work for them. This will determines your ninja work for your future."

"Looks like your right Kurama." Naruto said.

"Just wait." Kurama said. "Twenty bucks say it gets better."

"Thus if you show weakness your nations chance for work will lower." Lord Third said. "This will lower the chances in negotiation between nations as well. Your countries' strength is the village's strength, and the village's strength is the Shinobi's strength witch is pushed to it's limit in a life or death situation. This exam pushes your limit to show your strength and  there for your villages strength. That is what gives this exam meaning."

"Here it comes Naruto." Kurama said.

"Then why did you use the term friendship before?" Someone asked.

"You only remember half of what I've told you." Lord Third said. "You also mustn't have the wrong idea of the exams meaning. This is a custom that keeps balance by fighting and dying. That is friendship for the Shinobi. Everything your pride, your dreams, are all on the line hear."

At first everything was quite. Then Naruto's laughter filled the room. All the higher level and lower level ninja looked at him like he had screwed a loose.

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled from were he was standing with the other team leaders and exam instructors.

"Wait Kakashi," Lord Third said. "What is so funny Naruto?"

"You and the whole friendship thing," Naruto coughed. "Friendship for the Shinobi is fighting and death. If that's true then the villages are pathetic."

"I agree with Naruto," Gaara said. "If that is friendship for Shinobi then there is no future for this world."

"Then what would you two do?" Lord Third asked.

"Well me and Gaara would let there be true friendship," Naruto said. "We would end all the killing and hatred."

"Then first you must get past the preliminaries of the third exam." Lord Third said. "So with that let the  third exam begin."


Here we go everyone the start of the Preliminary round for the Third exam. Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Naruto vs. Kiba! Fox vs. Dog!

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