A New Assassin, Hokage, and Enemy.

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A few days passed sense the battle. The village had began to clam down, but they were still on edge. Gaara and his family went back to the Sand after the battle. They wanted to stay and pay there respects to the Hokage, but after the attack anyone who wasn't from the Leaf were forced out of the village. This went for Bee and Zabuza as well. Bee went back to the cloud without a problem, but Zabuza stayed in the village by hiding in the Assassin hideout.

Today was the funeral for the Hokage and anyone else that had died. Luckily none of then were Assassins. It was a dark day. The sky was covered in rain clouds. Everyone in the village wore black today as they went to the funeral. Last time there was a funeral like this was after the nine tail's attack.

Naruto looked at Konohamaru who was standing beside him. He was breaking down tears spilling from his eyes. Many people wanted to cry, but ninja didn't show emotion. They didn't need to show there emotion for the sky did it for them. It began to rain, almost as if the sky was weeping.

"Konohamaru," Naruto said. "Ninja aren't meant to show emotion, but listen to no one who tells you that. These tears we shed show the love we have for each other as a family. Cry as much as you want no one will blame you."

"If it is how we show are love," Konohamaru said. "Then why aren't you and the others crying?"

"Because," Naruto said. "We are the ones who watch over those who cry. We stay strong when others aren't so we can protect them. While you cry and show your love for your grandfather I'll watch over you while you are down and can't defend your self."

"No," Konohamaru said drying his tears. "As his grandson I should protect those who weep for my grandfather. I don't need protection."

Konohamaru was just like the old man. Even in the darkest of times he wants to protect others. Naruto watched Konohamaru and remembered when he had once asked Naruto to train him. At that time Naruto didn't think it was a good idea, but now he truly wanted to train him.

"I'll train you." Naruto said.

"What?" Konohamaru asked.

"You once asked me to train you." Naruto said. "So that's what I will do, but not as a ninja. I'm going to train you as an Assassin."

"An Assassin?" Konohamaru asked. "Who are they?"

"We are a group of people who do everything we can to prevent future war." Naruto said. "We want to protect all innocent people just like your grandfather."

"I've never heard of these Assassins." Konohamaru said.

"That is because we are a secret group." Naruto said. "So what do you say?"

"Fine," Konohamaru said. "Train me as an Assassin."

Naruto walked up to the pictures of those who feel in battle with hope in his heart. With a student under his wing the Assassins would grow stronger and a future without war was closer then the day before. He placed his white flower on top of the other flowers there to pay his respects to the fallen.

"I swear to you Lord Third," Naruto said not caring who heard him. "As the Leaf's Jinchuriki I will protect the people of this village." 


Three days had passed after the funeral and things were getting back to normal, but not completely. The village needed to show it was still strong, so every available ninja was on a mission. Because of this Naruto couldn't train Konohamaru. Naruto was now back from a mission and was at the Assassin den because Ezio needed to talk with him. Naruto entered the Ezio's office to see he wasn't the only one called for. Itachi was here as well.

"As you two know," Ezio began. "The Leaf still has no new Hokage. They asked Jiraiya, but he said no." 

"So what do we do?" Naruto asked.

"Jiraiya is going to find Tsunade the last Legendary Sannin so she can become Hokage." Ezio said. "I want you to go with him Naruto and take Konohamaru with you. This way you can start his training."

"Got it." Naruto said leaving.

"Kid grew up fast." Itachi said. "What's my mission?"

"Look at this." Ezio said giving Itachi a file. "Its info on a group believed to be trying to capture the Jinchuriki. On top of this Orochimaru is targeting your brother."

"So what's are move?" Itachi asked.

"I have every Assassin out looking for the other Jinchuriki and Orochimaru," Ezio said. "But I have a feeling there is hard times ahead of us. I want you and Shisui to help Sasuke obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan and train him how to control the Susanoo." 

"Very well," Itachi said. "Should I train him as an Assassin?"

"No," Ezio said. "For now focus on making him strong enough to protect himself from Orochimaru."

Itachi did as he was told and went to gather his things. Ezio was left to his thought on everything. A new Assassin, Hokage, and enemy. Looking over the files of the new enemy. They called themselves the Akatsuki. With the info gathered there was no doubt in his mind that this guys were working with the Templars, but in what way are they connected?  Ezio couldn't wait any longer. When Naruto and Itachi get back he would have to tell them of his new plan.


That's the end of this chapter. I hope you guys like it! We're reaching the end of book one everyone. I think I'll make four or six more chapters before starting book two. Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Sasuke, Itachi, and Shisui start there training for the Mangekyou Sharingan. (Also I know you can't obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan unless you kill someone close to you, so I made a second way to do it.)

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