The Chunin Exam Begins!

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Tomorrow is the start of the chunin exams and Naruto was checking his gear. There was his Katana, kunin, Shurikens, his hidden blade, and smoke bombs, but Leonardo had also given him some new weapons he had been working on. A second hidden blade for his other arm, Mustard bombs to ruin an enemies' sense of smell, and cherry bombs to disrupt an enemies' hearing. These would come in handy during the exams.

Naruto really wanted to be a chunin, but there was a mission that needed done at all cost. These exams usually have casualties. Ezio wants the Assassins in the exams to make sure no one dies. To Naruto that was more important after all he took an oath to protect all innocent lives, but there was more to this mission. Ezio has reasons to believe that orochimaru will attack the village so if they see any of his goons they are to kill them or capture them.

"Hey Naruto," Kurama said. "What do you think of all this?"

"About all this what?" Naruto asked.

"About Orochimaru attacking the village." Kurama said. "I've been around for a long time and I've heard a lot about this guy."

"So what?" Naruto asked.

"So with what I've heard about him is true then he maybe able to destroy the leaf without anyone being able to stop him." Kurama said.

"You give him to much credit." Naruto said. "If the whole village couldn't stop you thirteen years ago when you attacked the village then how will Orochimaru stop us?"

"When I attacked the village the village didn't have any idea it would happen." Kurama said. "But if they had they could have sealed me easily."

"Well Orochimaru doesn't know we're onto him so he won't be repaired." Naruto said. 

"I hope your right." Kurama said.

"Me to," Naruto said. "Well time for bed. Tomorrow is a big day." 


The next morning Naruto was ready to meet up with Sasuke and Hinata. They were to meet each other at the academy. Then they would head to the third floor to enter the exams. When Naruto got there a bunch of foreign ninja were all over sizing people up getting an idea of there opponents. As Naruto approached his friends he saw that Kiba, Sakura, and Shino were there with them. Like always Sakura was drooling over Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke I bet you'll win the Exams." Sakura said.

"I'm not so sure." Sasuke said. "There are a lot of strong people here."

"Yeah like me." Kiba said acting cool.

"I was referring to three sand ninja I meet yesterday and Naruto." Sasuke said.

"Me?" Naruto asked ignoring Kiba's complaining.

"Yes you," Sasuke said. "I heard you are being train by Jiraiya of the legendary Sannin. When we face one another so me what you got."

"Alright," Naruto said taking the challenge. "Then you show me what Kakashi sensei has taught you."

"Please Naruto," Sakura said. "You could never reach Sasuke's level."

"Shut up Sakura." Hinata said.

They all looked at Hinata in surprise. She was always so shy and never talked back. Now here she is telling Sakura to shut her mouth. Did something change?

"Hinata I've never seen you stand up to some one like that." Naruto said.

"I'm sorry Naruto," Hinata said. "Kurenai Sensei has been helping me train and strengthen my confidence. I'm sorry if I've made any of you angry at me"

"No reason to apologize." Naruto said as he was far from being angry. In fact this new side of Hinata was hot.

"Well your training must have worked." Shino said. "You seem to be able to talk normally now."

Naruto was happy that Hinata was successful with becoming more confident. He only wished she still talked like she use to. He always thought she was cute when she stuttered.

Team 7 left Team 8 who had to wait for Kurenai Sensei. They went to the third floor were they saw two hidden leaf ninja blocking the door to the room they needed to go in. Ant time some one tried to get in they pushed them back into the crowed trying to get in.

"Hey Naruto," Kurama asked in side Naruto's head. "Do you see what I see?"

"Yeah," Naruto replied. "This is a gen-jutsu. Were meant to go to the third floor. So to root out the weak they use gen-jutsu to make the second floor look like the third floor."

"Do you guys see through it?" Naruto asked Hinata and Sasuke.

"Yeah," Sasuke replied. "Gen-jutsu."

"Should we tell them?" Hinata asked.

"No," Naruto told them. "If they couldn't see past this weak jutsu then they stand no chance in the exams."

They went to the real room and there at the door they were confronted by Kakashi. He was more then likely there to wish them luck.

"So you all came." Kakashi said. "You know it's not to late to go home no one will blame you."

"Were all here and ready!" Naruto yelled.

"Are you sure about this Hinata?" Kakashi asked.

"I am," Hinata said. "I worked just as hard as Naruto and Sasuke to get here. I'm ready for this."

"Good," Kakashi said. "Because only teams of three my enter the exams. If you said no then Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't be allowed in."

"I thought we had a choice to enter?" Sasuke asked.

"You do, but you need a team of three." Kakashi said. "I just wanted Hinata to make her own choice with out being pressured by here feelings for Naruto...and Sasuke."

Sasuke caught on to Kakashi's last words. He had deliberately added his name last to give Naruto a hint about Hinata's feelings, but there were no results. No matter how many hints Naruto or Hinata get they still don't notice.

"I couldn't wish for a better team." Kakashi said. "I'm proud of each of you."

"Thanks Kakashi Sensei," Naruto said. "We won't let you down." 

Kakashi watched them walk into the exam room. He was very proud of them. He looked up to the heavens and said," He's just like you Obito, don't you agree old friend?" Then left leaving everything up to his young students.


Sorry everyone for the wait. My computer wasn't letting me write stories on Wattpad, but I'm back! Thank you everyone for your support and I hope you enjoyed. Net time on Naruto the Orange Assassin, The first test of the Chunin exam begins!

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