Assassin of The Mist

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Kakashi knew Gato would send more people to kill Tazuna, but not this many. On the bridge that lead to Tazuna's village was a group of shady cut throats and leading them was Zabuza and Haku.  The genin of the group could easily take down the cut throats, but Zabuza was a different story. Everyone readied themselves for a fight.

"Kakashi Hatake, the ninja that has copied over one thousand jutsu," Zabuza said. "It's an honor to meet you."

"I wish I could say the same." Kakashi replied. "Being a former Shinobi why go so low as to work for a man like Gato, Zabuza?"

"Well I need money," Zabuza said. "And Gato has money."

"Hey can we kill them now." One of the cut throats yelled.

"No." Zabuza said. "I will take care of them. You idiots stay out of my way."

The men were angered by Zabuza's words, but knew better then to question him. After all he didn't get the title Demon of The Mist for nothing.

"Kakashi, give me the bridge builder and you and your group may leave." Zabuza said.

"Sorry we have a mission to complete." Kakashi said. "You use to be a ninja so you know we can't back down." 

"Fine you leave me no choice." Zabuza said running at the group with his huge sword drawn.

Just as he approached and got closer Kakashi readied himself for his enemies first attack. When Zabuza went to cut at Kakashi another sword stopped it's advance. Naruto had stopped the first attack with his Katana.

"Naruto stay out of this." Kakashi said. "You need to protect Tazuna."

"No," Naruto said. "Zabuza's mine."

"Naruto listen to me..." Kakashi began, but saw the determination in Naruto's eyes and decided to give up.  "Fine fight him, but be careful."

"No need to worry," Naruto said. "He won't kill me."

"Your a little over confident brat." Zabuza said.

"It's not that I'm over confident it's that I know you won't kill me." Naruto said going on the attack.

There blades hit and bashed against one another sending sparks in the air. Even though Zabuza was a Jounin Naruto was able to keep up. Every slash, cut, or stab Zabuza made Naruto was able to block. Something about the way Naruto fought reminded Zabuza of someone.

"Is this okay Kakashi?" Kurenai asked. "Zabuza is stronger then Naruto. He is obviously playing with him."

"I trust Naruto." Kakashi said. "Have faith in him."

"What about Zabuza's men?" Shino asked the two sensei.

"No need to worry, Shino." Kakashi said. "There not going to disobey Zabuza's orders, but stay on guard just in case."

Zabuza and Naruto moved around as if they were dancing. Naruto began to grow tired as for Zabuza he was use to these long drawn out fights. This battle needed to turn around in Naruto's favor or Naruto could just end the battle now. So Naruto did just that.

"So Zabuza, want to know a little secret?" Naruto asked.

"Enlighten me kid." Zabuza grunted.

Naruto let one of Zabuza's swings cut his hoodie. It didn't hit skin only ruined Naruto's clothing. Then Zabuza saw it, a necklace with the Assassin symbol. To everyone's surprise Zabuza put his sword away.  

"So Ezio is training you?" Zabuza asked.

"That's right." Naruto said putting away his own sword.

"How did you know I was an Assassin?" Zabuza asked.

"Ezio leaves papers on his desk," Naruto said. "One told of how he trained a roaming Assassin named Zabuza before the Nine tails attack. When Kakashi said your name I knew you were an Assassin."

"I knew I couldn't trust you!" Someone yelled.

Zabuza and Naruto turned to see Gato in the crowd of blood thirsty killers. His face was red with anger.

"Your an Assassin." Gato said. "Kill them and I will make who ever gives me Zabuza's head rich."

The sound of being rich sent the men into a frenzy. They ran at Naruto and Zabuza with all types of weapons. Kakashi was quick to join in the fighting to help Naruto.

"Who the hell was that?" Naruto asked cutting down one Gato's men.

"That was Gato." Zabuza said. "He's a Templar, one of the Assassin's mortal enemies. I act like a rouge ninja to get jobs like this so I can fake the death of innocent people. I've been getting information on the Templars that way."

"So you've never killed an innocent."  Naruto asked.

"Nope, I've fallowed the rules of the creed." Zabuza said. "If Ezio had not fond me when he did I might have killed so many innocent people."

"Well that's good and all." Naruto said bashing one of Gato's men in the head. "So how do we get out of this?"

"Me and my Assassin trainee will hold them off." Zabuza said as he killed a man. "Take Tazuna back to his house in the village were his daughter and grandson are. Well meet you there."

"You better." Naruto said run his group.

Naruto was so focused on getting back to the group he didn't notice a kunai thrown at him. All Naruto heard was "Watch out!" as someone nocked him out of the way. The sound of a kunai hitting flesh filled Naruto's ears. He turned to see Hinata laying on the ground with a kunai in her gut. Without a second thought Naruto picked Hinata up and ran with the group back to Tazuna's House. They didn't have time to rest they needed to help Hinata.

"Is she okay?" Naruto asked.

"No," Kurenai said looking at the wound which had turned black. "That kunai was poisoned and with no doctor I the village she is going to die."

"Can't we do something?" Sasuke asked.

"Nothing." Kurenai said. "I've seen this poison before. With no doctor she'll die in hours. All we can do is help reduce the pain."

Naruto fell to the floor as his world began to crumble. Hinata was dying and he couldn't do anything to help, nothing.

"Naruto," Kurama said. "I think I have a way to save Hinata."

"You do, how?" Naruto asked as hope began to return to him.

"I could give her my healing powers if you could control all nine of my tails, but...."

"But what?" Naruto asked.

"You have to make peace with your dark side to do this." Kurama said. "You get one chance if you mess up you could lose your sanity."

"Kurama," Naruto began. "I love Hinata. If she dies here I'll still lose my sanity."

"Then let's begin." Kurama said as Naruto drifted into a dark room. There he saw it. He saw himself his dark side.


Another chapter has come and gone. I hope you all enjoyed it. Next time on Naruto: The Orange Assassin, Naruto must fight the darkness inside himself to save the one he loves. Thank you everyone for your support. Have a great day!

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