The New Hiashi Hyuga

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Ezio had gotten home sooner then he thought after having a talk with the third Hokage about Danzo. Lord third said he would do everything he could to make sure no harm comes to the Uchiha. He put his robes and blades away and got started on dinner. Ezio was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice he had made enough food for three people. Just as Ezio cursed himself for not paying attention the door opened. Ezio guessed it was Naruto coming home so he went to tell him dinner was ready.

"Naruto dinner's..." As Ezio started to tell Naruto about dinner when he noticed the young girl beside him. "Ready, so who is this pretty lady?"

"This is Hinata Hyuga. She was being bullied so I helped her and brought her home." Naruto said.

"I see well I'll have to tell your father when I walk you home." Ezio said.

"Actually her dad is the whole reason she left the safety of her home and ran into those bullies," Naruto began. "So I offered her the chance to stay with us for the night."

"Naruto you know we only have two bedrooms, right?" Ezio asked.

"Yeah, but you always told me to help those in need," Naruto said.  "So she can stay in my room."

Ezio was glad Naruto wanted to help others, but Ezio didn't want to deal with Hinata's father.  It was clear Hinata was depressed and Ezio wouldn't be surprised if it was because her father thinks she's weak. He should go have a talk with him.

"Well she is welcome here anytime, but I still need to tell her father she's staying the night." Ezio told them.

Hinata was glad Ezio would let her stay, but also feared what her father would do when he found out. For now she didn't care she was safe here. Ezio took them both to the dinning room were he gave them Ramen and they all ate together. It was a good thing he made enough for three. Then when they were done eating Ezio left for the Hyuga Mansion.

"Thank you for watching him Itachi." Ezio said knowing Itachi was hiding in the shadows.

"Your welcome." Itachi said moving out of the shadows in a nearby alley.

"Did you help them escape?" Ezio asked.

"No, it was all Naruto who saved the girl from the bullies." Itachi said. "Plus there's more to the story."

"More, and Naruto didn't tell me?"

"I don't think ether of them understand it yet, but there is no doubt in my mind that there falling in love."

Ezio stopped walking and looked at Itachi. Itachi wasn't joking he was dead serious. Things could get interesting Ezio thought.

"How do you know this?" Ezio asked.

"I'm good at reading peoples thoughts and emotions," Itachi told him. "How do you think I always beat you in poker?"

Itachi and Ezio laughed about it. The truth was Ezio couldn't beat Itachi in a poker game ever. Ezio had started to feel he was as bad at betting as Jiraiya's love interest Tsunade.

"Lets keep this to are selves," Ezio said. "If it is to be then it will happen. I hate to ask but can you watch them while a talk with Hiashi."

"Sorry I'm watching Sasuke soon, but I know who can."



When Ezio took in Naruto Kakashi was one of the first to help raise him. Being a former student of Minato, Kakashi thought of Naruto like a little brother. Ezio one day planed to make Kakashi an Assassin, but never got around to it. 

"Alright," Ezio agreed. "Find Kakashi and ask him to look after Naruto and Hinata."

"Then I will see you later Mentor." Itachi said taking his leave.


The Hyuga house wasn't a really big place, but it wasn't small ether. Ezio had lived in a small mansion like this before with his parents and siblings those days were now a far off memory. Hiashi had every Hyuga looking for Hinata, luckily he had time to see Ezio.

"I imagine that you know were my daughter is?" Hiashi asked sitting at a long table.

"I do." Ezio replied.

"Then were is she?" Hiashi asked.

"She is at my house, after Naruto saved her from a group of bullies." Ezio told him.

"Bullies?" Hiashi asked. "Well that is what she gets for running from home. I'll send someone to get her."

"No." Ezio said surprising Hiashi. "I said she could stay at my place until you learn how to raise a child properly."

"How dare you!" Hiashi yelled. "What do you know about raising a child?"

"More then you it seems." Ezio told him. "I have stayed up to all hours of the night as Naruto would cry because of the villagers saying he's a monster and should go die. Some times he wishes he had died during the nine tail's attack. Now you send your daughter down the same road, how long until she snaps?"

"The Hyuga clan has no room for the weak." Hiashi said.

"Then why are you a Hyuga?" Ezio asked. "I'm leaving. Come for Hinata when you realize what is the right thing to do."

With that Ezio left for home. He hated people who did such things as put there families honor before others even there own family who's honor they were protecting. Mostly because Ezio once did the same.  When Ezio got home he was greeted by a white haired man with a mask covering most of his face and his headband covering one of his eyes.

"Hello Kakashi, thank you for watching them." Ezio said.

"No problem, Naruto is like a brother to me." Kakashi said. "I just put them to bed in Naruto's room."

"Thank you I'll see you later then."

 They said goodbye and Kakashi went home. Ezio went to his room and stayed up all night waiting to see if Hiashi would try to take Hinata by force...he never showed.


The next morning Hiashi came to get Hinata. To Ezio's liking he must have taken his words to heart thinking on it all last night. He apologized to Hinata and promised to be a better father. He even thanked Naruto for saving her. Ezio could tell the man had changed and moved on. Maybe there was hope for Hinata and her father's relationship.

Hinata and Naruto had stayed friends and grown closer to each other. Naruto hasn't noticed his growing love for Hinata, but Hinata realized her love for Naruto which made talking to him hard. Ezio loved to watch them reminding him of himself after he fell in love only he wasn't as thick headed as Naruto who never noticed his love for Hinata, but something told Ezio Naruto would discovers it. Only he had no clue when.


Here it is! The new chapter! I hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment to tell me what you think of the story so far. Again thank you to every one who has read and voted on my story. Also please tell me if I misspelled something or got a name wrong, thank you! Next chapter Naruto learns more about the Assassins and will try to become a Shinobi.




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