0.5: Heart Breaker

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Daniel stared at Aria in disbelief . The fact that she had even questioned him about someone else left him feeling as if he should lie. He needed to lie or tell half of the truth.  He appreciated every aspect of her existence and honestly, hurting her in any shape or form was never his intentions. Their relationship was simply complicated . Beyond complicated at that.
After the words escaped her mouth she sighed . She was hurt and so was he .

"Why?" She whispered. He knew exactly what she meant. Why was he claiming one thing and doing another. All he could do was shake his head.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." He croaked.

"Maybe we should.." She began to trail off . " I need a break."

"No." He stated sternly. "We're together forever remember?"

She stopped breathing for a moment and she looked down, only to slowly look back up. Her brown orbs now burned into his. She could feel her heart clashing into the deepest pit. A slight , yet depressing smile found its way onto her lips.

"I remember." She began , " I remember a lot.."

"Maybe..just maybe; we're friends who love each other . However, that doesn't mean that we're supposed to be together." Daniel stared at her in disbelief. His chest felt heavy and his eyes held sadness.

"Ok." He whispered, backing out of the room, sniffing slightly . Aria stared at the spot that he stood in a few seconds ago and removed herself from . She dragged herself over to her suitcase and unzipped it, revealing all the clothes she had packed. Removing the attire she slept in from the previous night , she threw on a white shirt and slipped on a pair of mom jeans. Throwing her hair up, she sighed and sniffed. Next, she slipped on her high-top converse and her camouflage jacket. Soon after she went to the bathroom to do her typical morning routine. Part of her felt dead as she brushed her teeth . It wasn't an unusual feeling . Daniel always made her heart drop into the deepest pit of her temple.
After she finished cleansing up she slipped on her oval black readers and walked towards his room. The door was open, welcoming her in. Gulping, she peaked her head in slightly and began to croak the following,"I'm going for a walk." With that she left out . She didn't care if Daniel wanted to be informed . She felt the need to inform him.
  The chill air hit her hard as she dragged herself across his lawn. "Boy." She whispered .
    The weather was something she had to adjust to once again. The weather was typically nice but from time to time it could get somewhat chilly . Taking a deep breathe she continued to walk, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar scenery. She couldn't seem to process everything that was painted so vividly in front of her.
Daniel lived in a decent home, just like her. His house was open . Natural lighting hit each room perfectly . However, there was an emptiness about it. Outside however was completely different. Outside was unrealistic. A lake rested on the right side of his home (depending on which way you were standing) and the water was a beautiful dull blue . The trees stood high and their leaves were a vibrant green. There was nothing like it. The air seemed clear. It wasn't toxic at all.
    From a young age, Aria loved the outdoors but then she hated it . The cycle repeats itself from time to time. Although, her hate wasn't as strong anymore, it once was. Bees . No . The sun beaming down on her cocoa skin. That was another no. Creatures that she'd never encountered before crawling between her and flying around ? Triple no. Aria changed though. As she grew older she found herself doing sports. How absurd. Aria despised anything that involved movement. Looking back and forth was a workout. Even though she once despised everything about nature, she found herself loving it . It was a part of her. Being outside was one thing that gave her infinite happiness, surprisingly. Taking in a deep breath, Aria found herself walking off along the river.

"She was in her twenties, just a crush." Jaden's voice echoed throughout her ears. In a way she could relate . Maybe the man that was possible a mile away from her now, was simply someone she would encounter. She was meant to encounter him but not meant to claim him as her own. How devastating could that be? Falling hopelessly in love with someone and then questioning everything they ever stood for. Did they even care about each other the same? Was he weighing his options? How could a situation like this change so quickly? Within a blink of one's eye, their relationship had went down. Nothing was looking up for them. Everything seemed so, toxic.
Aria found herself walking over to an open park that came into view. Even though she hadn't been there before, the area seemed somewhat familiar. Abruptly, she realized she'd seen the area before. The grass was cut short and was lively green. The area had a calming aura. Part of the park held an area where a basketball court laid, picnic tables beneath a shed, and a few simple play areas. Besides that, the field was open. One could lay in the field and feel as if they were the only one that existence. The sun would beam down on them, giving their skin a radiant glow. The sun would give them assurance. The grass tickling at their temple would give them hope and the pure air that they inhaled would put them at ease. Then, it that very moment , they would realize everything was ok. Everything was simply ok because they were still breathing.

Her lips were parted as she gapped, a wave of emotion hitting her harshly. Her feet carried her over to the field and there she collapsed, her body becoming numb. She found herself clearing her mind as she sucked in every inch of the world's pureness. Closing her eyes , she sighed happily and just laid there , feeling content in this very moment.

"Stop , you're hurting me." She cried, her mascara and perfect eyeliner now fading slightly.

His eyebrows furrowed,"I'm not doing anything."

She shrugged him off, no longer trapped in his embrace.

"Not physically." She sobbed, "here." Her pointer finger was now pointing at her heart and her lip was quivering. The boys eyes began to stare down into road. He had been hurting her . He realized that , in this very moment . She'd do anything , anything . Just to see him smile . She always set aside her feelings , just so she could do so. Gulping he looked back up at her. His eyes burned into hers and all he could see was a girl who was once completely and utterly in love with him, broken.

"You're right." She sobbed, revealing teeth as she smiling slightly . Wipping away her tears with the palms of her hands, no longer concerned about her makeup and huffed and chuckled . "It's not ok."

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