0.10: The Knowing

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You probably thought that you'd break my heart
You probably thought that you'd make me cry
Well baby it's okay
I swear it's okay

Well baby it don't hurt
Oh, like you thought it would
The more of you the merrier

  -Abel (The Weeknd) : The Knowing .

I recommend checking the song out if you haven't done so already.

"You..seriously..how.." She panted, walking back and forth. Multiple pictures began to blur her vision and a clear mindset slowly faded.

"Oh my . I'm hyperventilating ." She cried, placing a hand over her chest.

"You are so dramatic." He chuckled slightly .

"You know what . I can't . We can't . No . " She thought aloud, still pacing back and forth.

"I don't know how we grew so distant." She chirped as she folded her clothes and placed them in her suitcase. After a while, she didn't have enough patience to fold her clothes so she roughly balled them up and threw them on top of the organized pile of clothing .

"What are you doing?" He questioned, propping himself up from the frame of the door and emerging into the room.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

     Her actions were vibrant and beyond obvious . She was leaving. The household seemed so toxic . A term she came all too familiar with. One she hardly used because the only term she could use. She simply couldn't do it. Constantly feeling like she was suffocating herself in a room that lacked proper ventilation was making her go mad.
As she threw the last of her items into her suitcase she attempted to slip past him to collect her items that had scattered across Daniel's home. Before she could slide her way through the gap between the door and Daniel , he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

"I hate you! I hate you!" She cried, banging her fist into his chest. Soon the phrase became muffled as she sobbed into him. A fistful of his shirt was balled into her palm as she heaved.

"Hey, don't say that." He shushed her. Her lip quivered before her face became hard. She pushed him away, no longer wanting to be in his embrace and a natural mean mug played at her face.

"I wish I could tell you to leave but this isn't my house." She stated, harshly wiping her tears with her hand in a swift motion. " I can't do this anymore. We're nothing. This isn't necessary and I think I should leave."

"Stop saying that. Stop lying to yourself. You know as much as I do; you love me and I love you. This, you and I, is something. Don't ever say other wise."

Aria remained quiet for a moment .

"I'm leaving."

"Is that really what you want?" He asked, disappointment and disbelief evident in his voice.

"Yes. I can't do this anymore, Dai." Daniel took a step back and examined her blood shot eyes. Feeling his heart break into two he nodded and licked his lips. If he was hurting her in any shape or form and she craved the desire to escape from his affection, he wouldn't hold her against her will. He'd let her go whether or not that was what he wanted to do.

"Do you want me to take you to the airport?"

"No, I'll call a cab."

"That's not necessary." He stated.

"I just don't think I can sit in a vehicle with you for an extended period of time, if I don't have to." She whispered, sniffing and fiddling with her fingers.


"Just be happy, ok? I promise I'll be fine. I'm always fine."

"You're settling. Settling is not who you are. I'm content with you."

"Maybe I'm not myself right now. Please, just stop. If you were content, I wouldn't feel like such a burden."

"You feel like a burden?"

"No, not at all." She said sarcastically. Daniel took in a deep breath.

"Why? Whale would you feel such a way?"

"Are you seriously? Are you that.." Aria trailed off in disbelief," You know what? Forget it. It doesn't matter." She stated sternly, shrugging past him to collect the rest of her belongings.

Daniel trailed behind her no longer knowing what to do.

"When are you leaving?"

"As soon as I can." Aria said, a deadpan expression playing on her face as she grabbed fistfuls of her belongings. Daniel's heart only more more; if that was even possible.

"I umm..alright." He whispered, watching her every move. She had clearly made up her mind and knowing who she was as a person only meant one thing; her mind was made up. She was leaving and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

A/N: Happy Holidays! The next chapter will be up soon.

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