0.6: Swap it Out

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The next day.

6:15 am .

Her chest rose, up and down as she popped up. Clutching her chest she looked around as realization dawned on her. Maybe everything was a dream .

"Chill." She whispered to herself as she tried to control her breathing . When her eyes began to roam the freshly familiar room, she sighed. It wasn't a dream. Yesterday had been a pretty crappy day , which eventually became blissful in a way. She felt differently . Scared would be the perfect word but it wasn't. She found herself not feeling as strongly as she once did .
Removing her body from the bed she grabbed her readers , slipped them on , and began to walk towards the door, her feet smacking against the floor boards. As she walked out of her room she found herself wrapping her arms around herself and lurking down the hall toward Daniel's bedroom.
The pj set that covered up her petite frame didn't help with bringing warmth to her body. Daniel's door was closed and for a moment Aria found herself staring at the door. Gulping, she knocked on the door. Soon after she heard a muffled "yes" and faint shuffling of feet.
Aria caught a small glimpse of the slim figure that peaked from behind the door. Sleep consumed the male. His locs laid messily on top of his head, his eyes were low, and his jaws were defined and hard. Aria tightened the grip around her arms , restraining herself from reaching out to trace his jawline with her fingers. He was fascinating. Everything about him still seemed unrealistic . One could close their eyes and see him as a fictional figure. Looking the figure up and down you could see that his limbs stretched from joint to joint . His height was still unbelievable even though she wasn't much shorter. A loose tee covered his upper body and a pair of Tommy Hilfiger boxers covered the rest of him.

"Yeah?" He asked , looking down on the girl.

"Can I come in?" She croaked, her arms still wrapped around herself. Daniel looked her up and down, only to sigh and open the door. Moving aside, he let the girl in. Aria nodded in thanks before stepping in. Closing the door, Daniel found himself straightening up . There wasn't much to clean up at all. His room was ideal. Throwing a few clothes into a hamper he dragged himself back to his bed and laid back. The ruffled comforter between him .

"You ok?" He coughed after a moment. Aria stared and took in the room .

"Yeah. I just..I don't know."

Sighing once more, Daniel sat up and stood .
"Come on." He announced, grabbing a pillow and holding out a hand for Aria to take. Aria stared at his extended hand and bit her lips only to huff and walk over, wrapping her hand around his pinky finger. Daniel slightly blushed, but moved the muscles in the face in order to keep calm. Even though he extended his hand in hopes that she would take it, shock washed over his body .
Silence took over the house as the two walked down the narrow hallway and into the living room. The male dropped the pillow down at the head of the maroon sofa and flicked on the light switch located closer to the hallway. The living room lit up , an unnatural radiant glow taking over the base. Aria dropped the tight grip she hand on Dai's hand and plopped down on the sofa, grabbing the remote that rested beside a few inches beside her as she did so. Daniel frowned for a moment but the frown disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Daniel grabbed a throw that laid across the love seat adjacent from the sofa. Walking back over to Aria , he spread the blanket out , letting it collapse onto her frame. Aria gave him a smile smile and focused her attention to the television . She turned on the power button at the top of the remote she had been holding and the TV lit up the room . Appearing on the screen was Martin . A genuine smile played at the girls face as she realized a marathon must be coming to an end .
      Daniel watched her in awe and turned off the lights . Soon after he plopped down beside the girl and situated himself in a comfortable position .

"Daniel.." She croaked after a moment of silence . "I'm sorry." Daniel looked over at her , his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed in a thin line.

"Why? You shouldn't be. I need to apologize ."

"No . I just can't let go of things . Remembering my past and trying to be content it's hard . The internal feelings that I have for everything are becoming external . I don't mean to bring up everything or cause a scene for ever single detail in our relationship . It's just ..it hurts . Everything hurts ." She croaked, tears playing at her eyes .

"Hey, it's okay . Everything is going to be ok." The girl only shook her head.

"You know I love you , right?"

"Of course." At least that's what you say , she thought. Although, she knew how he felt, she couldn't help but doubt everything that was going on in her life at this point. Nothing seemed to be right . At first everything was beyond perfect and then one day it wasn't . It didn't even seem as if, it could've once been . After a moment she sighed and looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"I love you too."

The love between the two might not be the same . It isn't . However, that didn't mean that the two young adults didn't care for each other in some type of way. Things change abruptly. Things take time.

A/N: This chapter is the only chapter that is less than 1,000+ words (excluding this ) but over 900 . I just needed to get this chapter out . I haven't updated in a minute . I would like to thank the girl who has been voting for this story . I forgot her username but just know , whoever you are , I appreciate it.

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