0.7: Acquaint

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"To say we're in love is dangerous but girl , I'm so glad we're acquaint ." -Abel (The Weeknd) .

   Waking up with the girl of his dreams wrapped in his grasp seemed like a distant memory . It was something he expected a few months ago but now , it seemed like the last thing in the world that would ever occur . Yet, here she was , trapped in his embrace . She hugged onto him with everything in her as if she was afraid . She was afraid to lose him . Her emotions were everywhere but apart of her knew his form of love was still valuable. Some days it didn't mean as much to her but that was because of her stubborn personality. Either way, at the end of the day, she loved him. She loved him unconditionally. She simply didn't know how to show it anymore.

    Daniel placed kisses in her hair and tightened his grip around her before sighing. This was what he hoped for. He wasn't over it like he claimed he was . He couldn't have been . He loved her dearly.

A low groan came from below .

"Dai." A slightly husky voice mumbled. Hearing her voice sent chills throughout his body . A small smile played at his lips as he looked down at her .

"Yes baby?" Her eyes opened slowly and scanned the room . The scenery had been somewhat familiar to her . It was a simple set up , one she was slowly getting used to. Taking in every  inch , realization dawned on her. A small purr emerged from her lips.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Hi beautiful." 

After her eyes took in majority of the room she slowly looked up to see his milk chocolate skin. He was the missing piece of the entire room. Although he was lovely she hurriedly looked back down and removed herself from his embrace.

"I would love to stay like that forever, more than I'm willing to admit right now but morning breath is no joke ." She said, covering her mouth as she lurked towards her room and across the hall to the bathroom.

The boy laughed and removed himself from the sofa as well. He lurked closely behind her and stared at their reflect in the mirror . Her skin was a dewy glowing caramel shade under the bathroom lights. Her eyes were slightly puffy but they held a unique glint this morning. As he took in familiar features he was content with her presents . She seemed so unreal in his eyes . Things may not have been going as well as he anticipated but he was glad he was able to take in her beauty another day. 

"I love you." He admitted. Hesitantly she began to speak.

"Honestly , Ima need you to stop saying that because you're lying and I can't take it anymore. Just hush, please." She joked .

"I do love you."

"We don't love each other the same . I can't keep clarifying my love for you when you don't even love me like you say you do. That hurts." Aria stated , her smile fading .

"Aria." He sighed, grabbing a hold of her hands. "Let's move on. I'm begging you. You can't keep doing this and neither can I. It's taking a toll on the both of us."Brushing a lose strand of hair that escaped from her bun behind her ear, he planted a slight kiss on her neck and rested his head in the crook of it.

"I miss you ." He whispered.

"I'm right here." She stated, wrapping her skinny arms around his thin torso.

"But you're not." He replied, shrugging off the fact that she didn't respond the way he wanted her too. Disbelief nor disappointment found there way to him since her avoiding his sense of compassion was recently ignored.

"What-" She questioned, tensing up the slightest bit.

"Shh." He mumbled, still holding onto her for dear life. "Just let me hold you." He whispered . Her muscles relaxed after a while and she finally let herself turn into jello. This was similar to everything she ever wanted with him . Even though she wasn't as happy as she could've been , she was happy. His happiness would always top hers.

This chapter is shorter than others and I apologize for that . Hopefully you guys enjoyed it anyways . Thanks for reading.

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