0.18: "I just needed to hear you say it."

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Clicking on the caller ID which appeared to have one emoji, she wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

The bright light bounced off her beautiful brown orbs while her nails clacked against the devices screen with ease.

Pressing the phone up to her ear she began to chew on her lip, attempting to stop herself from sobbing furthermore.

Please pick up.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings later, he finally answered.

Silence took over for the first few minutes, like usual.

"Hello?" He finally beamed, although sleep was apparent in his voice. His mind seemed to be somewhere else and low noises from a muffled voice came from the other end.

"Do you love me?" She abruptly asked.

"Of course."

"Tell me you love me." She whispered, sniffling lowly.

"I love you." He bluntly stated.

Sighing she sunk further into her mattress.

"Alright." She blinked, not feeling any better. The thought of them becoming distant and the realization that she'd told him within the span of a week that she loved him and he hadn't said it back began to pick at her. It simply died down. Maybe not intentionally but it did nonetheless.


"I just needed to hear you say it." She nodded, licking her lips, although he couldn't see her. Removing the phone from her ear, she hung up and stared into nothingness. The feeling on loneliness quickly consuming her.

A/N: Simply a fragment.

Photo belongs to their rightful owner(s). The photo is simply temporary.

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