0.28: Thirsty: "Does he love you?"

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"Am I moving too fast? Forget that."


                    My hair was parted down the middle and slicked back, tucked behind my ears. For the first time in a long time it was flat ironed. I hardly flat ironed my natural hair because I was frightened of heat damage, like many other natural girls. Although, I had never experienced it, I was bound to since I was never lenient with heat, so if I could avoid heat altogether, I'd do just that.

      I never got to dress up for Daniel and although, he was no longer on my mental, the thought of going somewhere nice with him and then doing something completely and utterly reckless in lavish clothing was a nice thought. For a long while, that's all I could think about as I got dressed and added the final touches. Pulling down my dress I sighed and frowned slightly. Was this too much? A suede bodycon dress was on my body with a pair of matching strappy heels. The ends of the laces held two puffy tan balls and gave my fit a nice touch. My makeup was neutral, nothing out of the ordinary; my entire face was beat, but I did have on a pair of falsies. My lashes were already naturally long so occasionally I didn't touch them, but I deserved to feel good so I was doing what I pleased. False lashes made me feel the most bliss I had endured in the last few weeks altogether as ridiculous as it was.

   A small knock came from my door and as I was about to call them in, a loud voice greeted me.

"You don't ever answer the door quick enough." Lanae huffed, a pickle in her hand and a stank expression drawn across her face. Her lips slightly parted and she drew her lips inward, creating a fishy face before her nose flared up.

"Baby, where you going lookin so fine." She exclaimed causing me to blush and then roll my eyes. I gave off a small pout.

"Lanae, stop." I pleaded.

"Spin." She demanded, pointing the half eaten pickle that was wrapped in a paper towel, at me.

"You know I hate pickles. Get that outta my face."

"Spin. You know the drill." She shrugged, giving me one of her signature looks. Huffing I did as told.


"I thought you'd have that pickle outta my face by now." I clapped back, bringing my hand towards my face and throwing it in her direction.


For a moment we simply glared at each other. Lanae was stubborn, just like I was, but as I checked my watch, I realized I didn't have time for this. Aaron would be on his way any minute now. Huffing I did as told. This was a routine that started back when we were in high school. It was a way to help a sister out, to decrease the chances of being disrespected and having to pull out that pepper spray.

"Alright, you're straight." She nodded before taking one last glance at me and then my room.

"You're coming back right? He's not coming in here and you're not going over there?"

"Yes, mom." I joked, yanking my clutch off of my bed and heading towards our coat closet. I wasn't sure what would put my attire all together, but I knew anything to take away from it. I simply grabbed one of my trench coats and sighed.

"I want details when you get back. Don't be stingy or sneaky." My best friend warned and I simply smirked.

"No promises, ma." With that my phone rang and I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm highly aware that you're not of age but I would like to introduce you to a beverage that is almost as appealing as you." Aaron stated, throwing up two fingers as he began to call a servant over. I laughed awkwardly and smirked. My man.

The servant poured white wine into both of our glasses and then stalked away.

"Thank you for joining me tonight. I figured it was only right that I apologize for not explaining to you that I was someone rather important, at least not completely.." He sighed before rambling on. "You look gorgeous. I mean, you always look gorgeous. I'm sorry if I'm interfering with anything else you have going on." I blushed slightly before chuckled. He was like me when I was texting, my thought everywhere.

"Am I moving to fast?" He questioned, a concern look on his face. We had been talking for a long while as we waited on our food. Our conversation was fine and then it began to escalate rather quickly.

"Just a bit." I admitted.

"I can't do this. I just got out of some sort of relationship and I just--this is wrong." I confessed before he had the chance to respond.

"Does he love you?"

"Does he what?"

"Does he love you?"

"I don't think it's your place to ask that."

"I'm simply wondering how serious it was."

I narrowed my eyes at him before chuckling.

"Thank you for allowing me to accompany you tonight, Mr.Baker. I will see you tomorrow." With that I stood, and removed myself from the VIP booth we were seated in. I was confused with not only his questions, but myself? Did I really just abandon my boss? Something in me said I had every right to do what I just did, but another part of me stated, that was unnecessary.

I chewed on my lower lip as I stood outside of the restaurant, the air tickling me harshly. Warmth greeted me suddenly and I began to take note of where it was coming from. It was the same blazer I had worn before I stepped inside of the restaurant. I looked up to see the one and only, Mr. Baker.

"I apologize. If you're ready to go home, I'll take you, but it's still early. There's plenty of other places we can go." He stated. I gave him a small smile. That's all I could do.

A/N: You know when you've been stuck writing a chapter for so long and you just want to get it out, whether it's good or not? The last chapter and this chapter, are those chapters. At least they're long, right?

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