0.8: Next

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Christmas is literally in about four days. I hope you guys are enjoying your break . Happy holidays!


"Stop jumping to conclusions."

"What?" Aria snapped . She was beyond heated. Sure, Aria was overdramatic in some situations . However, in this very moment she had every right to show out . Stop jumping to conclusions. Excuse me? Do you need to rethink your life or do I need to rethink mine?
Jealousy was a common thing. Everyone hated it and yet they encountered it. Maybe it wasn't jealousy that was washing over her. She was just tired. Tired of her emotions and his own actions.

"So you're telling me that was a simple poke?"


"A poke. Seriously Daniel?"

"Stop doing that . Like seriously. You're making it more than what it is."

"So you wouldn't have a problem with me doing the same to someone else? Ok."

Daniel licked his lips.

"Do you see me scrolling through my messages saying I love you while hanging out with someone else. No because I don't chill with anyone besides you. Why are you hanging out with someone else in the first place ? Are you confused?" Aria rambled on.

   Aria went on and on . She hardly took a gasp for air and when she did it was horrid. She would inhale but it seemed as if exhaling never registered her mind. All Daniel could do was take a seat and listen to her vent and ramble on.

Her natural almond shape nails scrolled down the screen. From time to time should would burst into fits of laughter or simply scan the screen with pursed lips. Within a few minutes her lips drew into a even thinner line. A clip of a familiar and unfamiliar face appeared on the screen. The video played repeatedly before she grasped what was going on. He was with someone else. Maybe not officially but he was with someone new . The pretty face she had seen was not a typical face she was used to seeing. Inhaling a shaky breath she clicked on the various amounts of likes and began to search for an account that favored the girl. When she did so she began to bite her lip and scroll through the first frame of pictures.

It was her.

Gulping the girl got up ran a shaky hand through her somewhat silky hair. Everything was ok. It was no biggy . The girl was used to seeing some sort of female on his frame. Pressing the back button she searched the few photos he had for comments. Various comments and emojis flooded his comment section. More than she hoped to find. Rolling her eyes, she went to her original feed and scrolled through her own.

He was smiling and she was laughing. What was so funny? She began to wonder.

   Maybe it was my fault for pushing him away. He tried and I didn't show any effort each time. Although, he didn't show effort when I needed him the most.

   Sighing Aria logged out of Instagram and pressed the power button on her phone, the vibrant white screen dissolved into a soulless black. Afterwards, a huff escaped her lips and she removed herself from the warmth of the bed . Her fuzzy socks touched the material beneath her and she began to pad away with her hands stuffed into her mineral grey hoodie pockets. Nodding her head back and forth she began to circle the house. Although it wasn't her ideal fantasy of a breather, she had no where else to go. She couldn't just walk down the street like she did the other day. The day was dying out and a darker sky was beginning to cloud the sky. Pursing her lips together she nodded her head to the melody that she hummed.

   At least he was smiling. What was wrong with that? Nothing at all. She hadn't seen a genuine smile and a flush of his cheeks in a while. So what was so wrong about it? Was it the fact that she wasn't the one making him smile or was just the fact that he was completely happy without her in his presence ? Either way it didn't change the fact that whoever she was , was making him smile. The same cheeky smile Aria witnessed him master. The smile she became fawn off but slowly released from her grasp.


   In case anyone stumbles across this story ; every chapter is like a figment/fragment . Since they're set up like that they may not all line up. Although, I think they do in a way. If you become confused please bring it to my attention so I can verify . Thank you for reading. Longer chapters will be back soon. Once again, Happy Holidays!

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