0.26: Next : I'm falling out of love.

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Circling between the three desired resturants made Aria agitated. Eventually, some of that agitation faded and happiness replaced it. Laughing and crying over Lanae's tipsy jokes and the repeated stories that never got old, kept Aria entertained as she balanced a bottle of water between the fingers she had previously removed from the steering wheel.
"Are you happy now?"
"Definitely." Lanae laughed, a grin reaching from ear to ear forming on her face.

Loud and obnoxious hums escaped Lanae's mouth as she removed the straw from her lips. Throwing the keys onto the marble counter Aria ran towards the sofa and snuggled into it. Lanae sighed and kicked the door close, locking it in the process. Afterwards, the stalked over to the opposite end of the sofa with her buffet of food.

"Thanks again." She cooed, sinking back into the welcoming cushioning and flicking on the tv, switching the settings and grazing through the endless amount of Netflix shoes and movies.

"No problem." Aria sighed, distantly. Her mind was somewhere else. Clicking through the Instagram app she noticed something different. Something odd. Her old lover had found friends and had been going through girls like a plague. First this girl, then another, being called insecure for feeling some type of way about it, then another girl came. The three faded and now there was a new golden face on his page. Interesting. A few days ago, weeks, or months it would've stung more than it did now. This girl appeared to be more exclusive. However, all she could do was feel sick. She stared at her phone in disbelief. How could someone she trusted and love move on within a week. That was hilarious. It made sense in a way though, love had been vacant for months now and it was only getting worse. Heartbreaking but satisfying in a way. That was a sign that he was no longer needed in her life. The more she thought about it the more disgusted she found herself. He had been standoffish anyways. Even though Aria had appeared to be as well, none of that mattered. He no longer cared for her and that was revealed once again.

"So you're my boyfriend now?"

"Something like that.."

    All she could remember was, 'no restrictions'. Great. How stupid am I? A sigh filled the room and Lanae stopped chewing. Dropping her fry back into the bag she dusted off her hands and stared at her friend with worried eyes. Knowing Lanae was staring her down she shook her head and waved her phone in the air.

"Just the usual." She chuckled sadly. Lanae licked her lips and clicked on a random show.  The usual? How pathetic is that. Heartbreak shouldn't be the usual. Getting played should never be considered normal or classified as something usual on a daily bases.


"Huh?" Aria questioned after a moment.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She stated dryly. Distraction still evident in her voice. Staring at the profile page, she clicked the button located at the top and scanned through until she found what she was looking for.

Are you sure you would like to block this user?

Definitely. Aria thought and accepted the yes option. Afterwards, she thought about her back up account that she had made and added it as another account, repeating the process. He had actually tried to follow her on the account after he intentionally unfollowed her. How ironic.

"I blocked him."

"You did want now?"

"I blocked him. Everybody was being replaced." Aria howled, her body shaking slightly and her lower lip trembling as she began to speak. "Me, the other girls. Everybody. It's ironic, you know? It hurts. I just need to remove him from my life seriously. I'm freaking shaking. He doesn't deserve to see me and I can't stand to see his face anymore. I just don't need to see him anymore, at all. It's cool. Wasn't seeing much of it anyways. We don't face time and I stopped saving pictures of him when got this phone so that's been months. Close to a year if you think about it actually." Aria sighed.

"We're in the same boat, beautiful. We'll be alright." She stated, thinking about her own situation.

"He looks happy with whomever. She even mentioned she was as well. You can tell." Aria smiled and began to explain what she saw in great detail.

"Oh my." She stated in disbelief, horror clear in her eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to see that, baby."

"That's tragic." She said shaking her head. "Like why do you still have pictures of me?" Aria questioned, with furrowed eyebrows as she remembered their last conversation. "You're obviously not...wow. It's gucci."

"Oh, Aria. It's fine, you have to let him go."

"You're right. I'm honestly just sick to my stomach." She said, sitting up and jogging towards the kitchen. She didn't even bother to flick on the switch as she searched through the fridge in desperate need of bacon soda. Grabbing a pinch she placed it in her mouth and swallowed. Taking a deep breathe she collected herself and shut the refrigerator door before claiming her position of the sofa once again.

"I'm over it. I seriously needed that."

"I understand completely. Aria, we're going to get through this together. This journey is ours for the taking and we are going to get through it eventually. He doesn't deserve you, at all. You have such a beautiful soul and you're capable of so much. All he does is deprive you from that. He hinders you and drains you or your true potential. Ultimately, he is taking advantage of you and everything you are. We are still growing and learning. Let him have his fun with him women. When he comes back for you, you'll be long gone. You'll be stripped of any damage he has ever caused you." Lanae stated genuinely. Aria sighed and in responses Lanae reached over and rubbed below her knee.

"I need to cry but I'm not going to."

"I feel you on that one." Lanae laughed sadly. 

"I thought I was falling out of love but I believe I fell out so long ago." Aria whispered as she pushed herself off of the sofa and headed towards her room.

"I think I'm gonna rest for what's left of the night. I'm too sad to continue this conversation. I have to work later today anyways. I love you and I'll see you in the morning." Aria nodded.

The only thing you could hear afterwards was a door close and light murmuring from the cast members that were being projected on the screen.

A/N: Thank you for the love and support on this story. It has grown rather quickly and thinking about it makes me want to update regularly. The comments and votes make my day. I honestly love you guys. Those that read, those that comment, those that vote, and even those that just check in from time to time. Thank you.

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