0.27: Let's Get Married

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"Make it feel like forever. When it's temporary lets get married."
"She deserves a moment."
"You deserve the moment-Let's get married."
PND- Let's Get Married

     Work was a distraction. A distraction from someone who didn't love her like they used to. Obnoxious clicking filled the office as she recorded the latest reports that had been shoved beneath her door. They were the first thing to greet her as she unlocked the door and flicked on the switch.
A soft knock made Aria jump slightly and furrowed eyebrows greeted her.

"Are you ok?" Erin, one of her co-workers questioned. Erin was a older women, not too old but she had a year or two on Aria. She was dressed in a flattering olive work suit; a blazer with a black top beneath, a matching skirt and complementary heels. Aria sighed and fell back into her office chair, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" She asked, clearing her throat and sitting back up.

"I didn't mean to interrupt but we have a business meeting in about," Erin's eyes glanced down at her small faced diamond watch. "Fifteen minutes. You know administration likes us there five minutes early so I'm giving everyone a heads up since no email was sent out." She stated, revealing some pearly teeth. Aria gave her a warm smile and nodded before returning her attention back to the lit screen. With that Erin removed herself from the door way and headed over to the other offices.

      Aria sighed as she pulled out a rolling chair and crashed into it. She rolled closer to table and set down her notepad and pen before fixating her eyes ahead of her. Erin came in and took a seat beside her.

"Are you sure you're ok, Aria?"

"Yes, Erin. I'm fine. Thanks again." Aria stated bluntly.

"I'm sorry. You just seem on edge." Erin, stated as she opened up her folder.

"I'm not. Thanks." She stated sternly, ended the conversation promptly.
    The conference room began to fill up rather quickly. One of her coworkers, set up the boards and other supplies.Carts of water were brought in along with a fruit tray. As soon as everyone settled down, a familiar face appeared along the glass walls in an expensive designer suit and a briefcase in his hand. All Aria could do was stare at him with shock.
   "Can you please stop staring?" Erin noticed, a small giggle escaping her lips.
"I'm not staring."
"Sure, you're not staring at Aaron Baker." Erin stated, eavesdropping on the soft building conversations.

Aaron Baker.

"Not at all." Aria stated, glancing back down at her notepad. Analyzing the name. Aaron Baker. He couldn't have been someone huge. Could he? Sure, he stated he made great impressions and was here and there within the company but not once did he say he was apart of it.

"What exactly does Mr. Baker do?" Aria questioned nervously, her low eyes following him as he entered the conference room. 

"He's an official head. Why don't you know this? He's practically our boss." Erin stated lowly, her eyebrows furrowed and a look of concern on her face. Aaron glanced over the room, as if that was his way of saying hello. For a moment she could've sworn his eyes landed on her before heading towards the front of the conference table. Clearing his throat, he placed his briefcase down onto the polished wooden table and fixed the core of his tie before smoothing it down and place his hands into his trouser pockets. The room began to get silent and those collecting hand foods began to collect their seats.

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