0.22: Coke

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   Experiencing such heart break as the kind she was currently experiencing never formed a molding around her until now. Staring at the profile, she recognized his hair color before she even clicked on the post and waited for it to load. The scenery caused her to pause. The video played over and over again and she simply stared.

What she failed to realize in that moment was, it would happen once again within the next few moments.

So thoughtful, awfully forgetful but when it came down to someone else, forgetfulness never consumed him. For her, however, it came down to borderline, you're my girlfriend but none of that matters. It was such a shame that she almost had to fight for his attention. The way he did her, she would never do him. It was considered cool though. Although, it truly wasn't, it was.

She now lay on top of the stool, her elbows resting on her shaking knees. Sobs escaping her lips.

"No. No. No." She whispered to herself over and over. Her knees shaking harder than before.

The mirror that stretched across the wall, stared at her. The image in the mirror taunted her. Her hair was up in the messiest bun and her eyes were bloodshot. Sighing in disbelief, she rolled her eyes at who she saw in the mirror. Was this who she was truly becoming? She was in love with a dog and she was simply a puppy, unaware of what to do and simply following along whether it was right or wrong. As she swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, she rose from the seat and stalked towards the sink. She let the cold water beneath the faucet tease her fingertips before she brought it up to her face. A loud roar filled up the apartment just as she did so and an instrumental that belonged to Father, an author she listened too from time to time, made her realize it was her phone. Turning off the faucet and drying her hands on the small white hand towel that rested upon the wall, she stalked out of the bathroom and around the corner to follow the melody of her phone.
Picking her device up from the marble counter in the kitchen, she sighed. A smug expression rested on her face and she pressed the green button, accepting the call.


"Aria." A deep voice stated. A voice she could never forget although it used to be softer and higher than her very own.

"What do you want, Aiden?"

"I just wanted to say hello. Can't I just check up on my bestfriend from time to time?"

"I actually wish you didn't. I wasn't even aware that the title still applied to me." She stated deadpan. The other side of the line was silent for a moment before a sigh reached her ears.

"Look man, I'm sorry ok. I've simply been busy. I miss you though. Whether we talk or not doesn't mean you're not my bestfriend."

Aria rolled her eyes, so much was already built up within her and seeing a name appear across her phone that she hasn't seen in ages didn't make her feel any better. Sorry coming from her old childhood friend, Aiden, didn't mean as much as it should've. It meant nothing in actuality. The boy grew up with, lost contact with and reunited with after a few years was someone she loved at one point in time. Not in an intimate manner but in way that she knew he'd always care for her and the feeling would be mutual. No matter how busy she was, she'd always make time for him, he was once her bestfriend so it was only right. The amount of respect was never returned though and it makes sense. People make time for who they want to make time for. They're not obligated to talk to you no matter how much attention you give them. Nonetheless, their lack of communication didn't mean anything either. His affection was a lie. In no way, shape, or form was she truly missed; something was simply wrong. That's the only reason why he called.
A small sniff from Aria was let out and she howled.

"I'm not you're bestfriend anymore, Aiden. You can kill that. I don't want your apology nor do I truly accept it and I definitely don't want your affection. Whatever the case may be, you can handle it on your own." She stated. With that she hung up the phone, no goodbye or waiting on a response. None of that was important to her.
     Placing down her phone she sighed and wiped her eyes. Eventually, after a few moments of recollecting herself she dragged her body back into her bedroom and plopped down onto the dirty silk like textured sheets.

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Tiller blasted throughout the the truck.

   Lanae's finger tips danced along the cover of the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Coming upon a red light, she sighed. Tiller always had her in her feelings, although she did that well on her own. Like Aria, she had issues of her own on a different scale. Lanae hadn't been as committed to one person like Aria but overall, she felt obligated to be committed to him, even if her person of interest hurt her knowingly. She dealt with it completely different from how one would think. She shrunk her problems with others so then everything didn't seem as bad as it truly was. 
   Her eyes searched the scenery and eventually met the light that was still red. Huffing, she glanced over  at her phone that sat in the cup holder. Her phone was hardly a distraction but she could feel the urge of wanting to check her most recent unread messages. This drive was supposed to be silent and universally a form of bliss. With Trap Soul blasting, it was far from silent however, in a way it was blissful. The amount of sorrow she usually felt hadn't reached the taupe car roof yet but it was close. The sound of a car honking jolted her out of her thoughts, indicating that the light was ultimately green. As she moved along the intersection she felt as if she was on edge.

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