0.21: Rambling

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Light paddling of bare feet against the wooden floor boards echoed throughout the apartment. The AC turning on greeted the interior of the home as well as the sound of the TV as she approached the living room.

"Lanae." Aria croaked.

"Yes, love?" She groaned sleepily, her eyes glued to the television.

"Why is everything so..temporary?"

Aria's impulsive questioning was quiet usual. However, the question she asked was not. Lanae slowly looked over with furrowed eyebrows and coughed. Slightly fixing her position on the sofa she sighed.

"Maybe I don't get it yet."

"Are you referring to who I think you are?" She questioned, chewing on her upper lip and staring at her friend who stopped in the middle of the living room because laying down on her back and closing her eyes.

"Aren't I always?"

"You's right." Lanae chuckled. Aria nodded and fiddled with the carpet beneath her.

"I love him, man. I love him so much. I wish I didn't but I do. I can't tell if it's love or not. It was once unconditional but now, I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the feeling that's keeping us together."

"Aria.." Lanae trailed off after a moment of silence.


"Maybe it's just not the right time. I know you don't want anyone else who's tryna hit you up because they're bums but maybe, just maybe, you should move on. Be happy on your own again. I know that's devastating and all but you have me. I'm not with the lovey dovey stuff but if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to ramble with, I'm here. We're supposed to get married anyways, Monica."

A small chuckle escaped Aria's lips after hearing her middle name. Only Lanae let the name roll off her tongue with ease often. Beforehand her eyes were dark and she was lost in her thoughts. Lanae was right, she didn't want anyone else although there had been multiple opportunities where someone could've been her's if she was interested but when was Aria seriously interested in someone? Never. It was rare. She saw potential in you if she even looked your way. Being happy on her own was something she could do easily but she had invested so much time into Daniel that she was weary of the outcome. What would be left of her already broken heart?Lanae was there for her, most definitely but it wasn't the same. Daniel was affectionate on another level. It was simply different.

"Yeah, I guess so." She said dryly, before switching her eyes from the ceiling and onto her bestfriend.

"Girl, please. 'I guess so' my behind. You know so. The honeymoon is coming soon. Come here, boo."

Aria smiled slightly and simply blinked at her multiple times before fixing her eyes back to the ceiling and sighing.

"I'm fine right here."

Lanae rolled her eyes and rose for the sofa, brushing off her clothing in the process.  A small buff escaped her lips as well. Her friend was difficult to say the least. She was beyond that. Indecisive, hard head, and stubborn for no reason at all. Lanae stalked over to Aria and dropped onto the carpet beside her. Her chest rose up and down and she began to feel sorry for her friend. Although, she had experienced the power of mind games too, Aria was a delicate and fragile person in her eyes. She was someone she needed to watch over and care for, no matter what.

"It's going to be ok, love bug. I promise." Lanae said, her eyes staggering into the ceiling. Grabbing Aria's hand into her own, she gave it a light squeeze and in that moment a tear rolled down Aria's cheek.


     My birthday was the eight of April (The other day) and I want to do a marathon for one of my stories or all of them. Throughout next week I will be working on at least a chapter or so of a reasonable length and post them the following week. I hope you all enjoyed your Spring Breaks and have a wonderful day.

>Excuse any typos if any.
>Check out my new story: Lorraine: The Muse

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