0.15: Fear

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A/N: The last chapter does not have a title. I didn't forget to add one or anything. Later on, I may just add Untitled so it doesn't stand out so much.

"This feeling isn't new." - Drake: Fear

    After lunch with Aaron, Aria found herself going home. The day went by faster than she anticipated. She wasn't complaining though. Of course she loved her job but when the clock struck five o'clock, Aria was throwing her satchel over her shoulder, grabbing any paper work she wanted to finish before the next day, and closing down her office before shuffling out of the building and to her car.

The urge to stuff food down her throat and catch up on shows on Netflix before crashing on the sofa in her pajamas swept over her as soon as she started the engine of car.

"I'm ok."

"No you're not." Lanae said, looking from the TV to her friend.
   The two girls had been watching Supernatural for less than fifteen minutes. Lanae assumed the small sobs she heard were sobs of laughter but as they continued ten minutes in, she realized nothing was that funny.

"I'm not ok." Aria began to sob, stuffing another pint of Caramel Cookie Crunch gelato into her mouth. She didn't feel like lying to herself like she typically did. Claiming she was ok wasn't going to solve anything or improve the situation. Thinking so was rare and if she was in her right mind, the realization would've shocked her.

"Baby girl, give me the spoon and chew before you choke."

"What's the point?" She sobbed, removing the spoon from her mouth, handing it to her friend and chewing. A hiccup escaped her plump lips as she did so. Choking on chunks of caramel cookies were the least of her concerns.

Lanae sighed.

"Look, as much as I hate to say it, you over analyze every single detail in your life. You need to chill. I'm not defending him because trust me, he's slacking in the support area. However, if he claimed prior to this that no one should be more important than the two of you as a whole then I'm sure that means something." She said, holding the spoon.

"Did he even go hang out with that girl the day that he was supposed to?" She asked, confusion molding her face as she slapped a hand on her hip and flung the spoon into midair.

"No." Aria croaked, "But if I wasn't there, he would have."

"Girl," Lanae groaned as she flipped her Malaysian bundles over her shoulder. "So what? You basically signed up for it. I know I sound horrible but you wanted me to tell you what you would tell yourself. You guys have no restrictions or rules to your relationship. What can you do?"

"I noticed. When have you ever acquired the word prior? Who are you?" Lanae laughed and plopped down beside her.

"Girl, shut up." Lanae sighed before continuing," It's going to be ok, I promise."

"Nah. You know we don't make promises." Aria scoffed, snatching her spoon back and taking another bite of her gelato.

Lanae adjusted her position and looked at her friend with a mug.

"Umm..ok. I'm gonna let that one slide because if I don't, it'll result into one of your little attitudes. I'm not dealing with it. I just think you need to chill. You guys met over the Internet. You can't expect everything to be one hundred, okay? You don't know him. He doesn't know you."

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