0:30: "He's actually ok."

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Mr. Baker and I did just that. We went somewhere else. Being the vulnerable person I was, I apologized sincerely (after a long internal debate). He understood and apologized as well; he claimed he could've addressed the issue in a different manner, which he could've, but I didn't say anything. I understood.

We walked downtown and simply enjoyed each others company. He was still rather mysterious in my opinion, but he was intriguing to say the least. Even as he told me about his childhood; how he was originally from Canada and had no intimate family here besides a sister who lived miles away, I still felt as if he was hiding something. I mean, of course. I hardly knew the man. I shouldn't have been so curious, but I was. Regardless of how little interest I had in knowing him in any other manner besides a professional one (which contradicted why I was even on a date with him), his aura made me want to know who he was.

That night I went home and told Lanae I wanted to be over Daniel, so I was. I wanted everything in my life to fall into place and I didn't see that happening unless I was the one calling the shots on how I wanted my life to go. Lanae, being who she was cheered and yelled; chants that I had never heard before escaped her lips and I couldn't help, but laugh. Although, she was cheering for me, I recognized an unbarable sadness in her eyes, the same sadness I had saw in her eyes a long time ago. I never though I'd see it again. I didn't know how to feel, so I didn't address it for a long while. I felt like a bad friend.

"He's actually ok." I admitted, replaying the events of last night in my head. He kept redirecting questions towards me, as if he felt he was talking too much. I felt shy however. He was curious about me. Why? He allowed his driver to take me back home and he walked me up to my floor. I was aware of how intense the moment was and I assumed he did too. However, he simply placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before making sure I got in safely.

I slid down the front door after I locked it behind me. Lanae stood in front of me with furrowed brows and wide eyes.

"Hmm. He seems to have his head on straight. I still need to approve him first."

"What about you? Are you ok..you know with..?" I trailed off, fiddling with the fuzzy throw blanket that was draped over the sofas frame. Lanae sighed before shaking her head.

"I'm ok, I guess. I'm kind of numb to it all. I don't really have much to say." She admitted and that was the end of it. I didn't push anymore. Lanae was outspoken, if she wanted me to know, she would let me know.

Aaron and I began to hang out after that. For a long time it was nothin serious, but one day he set up a big get together on my hall and asked would I be interested in being more than friends. Honestly, it was ridiculous and it was bound to cause issues along the floor I worked on due to how many secret admirers he had, not only on my hall, but in general. No one said anything to me though, nothing harsh anyways. I received a few looks, but those looks were ones I had grown accustomed to, due to my status on the hall before Mr. Baker showed up in my life.

I felt a strong connection with Daniel for a long while as well. Strong was too strong of a word to use, so scratch that. I still felt the need to check on him, although he didn't care about me. I hadn't forgetten that he didn't recall my birthday, or the month in which we simply became friends. It didn't matter though, I had gotten the months all mixed up at this point as I tried to recall them. I believed he was doing fine however, which was great. I was finally doing great as well.

What sucked was, listening to Bino and Jaden made me think of him constantly, as he favored both individuals. However, I tried to note that neither of those men knew of Daniel, nor were they Daniel. They had no connection to him besides the connections I had made myself.

Daniel no longer affected how I lived.

I was my own individual, I had simply lost insight of that when I met him.

A/N: There were supposed to be 32 chapters, but I think I'll simply post one last chapter. I apologize for any spelling mistakes.

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