0.19: Ghost Can't Love

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"I hoped it wouldn't  last, but I never wanted it to end.

Hopefulness came in a pretty package,

And oh my God, I wanted to open it."


"Disappointment has become a revolving door.

You never ripped out my heart, but you ripped out my core.

I remember that night, that minute,

You said, "No one can ever replace you."

Well darling, someone is bound to."

Smoke filled the room
Taking over the crack and crannies
The strumming of strings took over
Sucking in

Aria huffed and dropped her black ink pen into the spine of her newest leather journal. Frustration took over once again. At times she knew exactly what she wanted to say but for some reason she had been lost for words.

Was it because she was hurt?

Was it because she simply felt betrayed and unloved?

Maybe fragments of her life were major factors.

Running a hand through the ends of her high sleeked ponytail, she flipped through previous pages and scanned the text.

Entry: November 1st

Maybe we were meant to be a figment
We weren't meant to last
You spit goodbyes before I even arrive
I never get to say hello or witness a genuine laugh
Spitting false phrases, they're constant in my eyes
You're a few thousand miles away
How could you be any further?

     Reading a piece that was unfinished was normal.
Aria hardly finished her work but when she did, it was the purest and rawest form of beauty and emotion.

    Aria lazily rolled over, her frame suffocating the white comforter set. Her nightstand held the an empty dish, in which she devoured the night before along with less than a quarter amount of tea, resting beside it. Sighing, her eyes landed on the alarm clock that read the following:

7:45 am

        A simply rotation of her eyes and a huff of warm breathe was her response before she rose from the bed completely. A natural mean mug rest on her face as she walked towards her closet and savaged through the endless amounts of clothes she had. Nevertheless, she still needed more. In her eyes, she simply didn't have enough. Her marbled eyes searched left and right. Up and down. Still, she found nothing. Pulling her hair up into pineapple, she huffed and walked into her bathroom. Flipping on the switch, she took in her appearance. Bags were under her eyes and sleep was evident within the vertex of her eyes. Dried drool formed around the corner of her lips. Sighing, she walked towards the sink and turned the cold knob; water gushing out and hitting the bowl. Splashing water onto her face she sighed. Hints of relief greeted her quickly.

A typical routine was in progress.

Waking up. Actually waking up.

Grabbing her tooth brush, spreading the substance onto the tooth brush.

Running it under the sink and stuffing it into her mouth, only to move the brush in circular motions.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

   With the warm water running down her spine, she felt content. A tropical scent lingered throughout the small space; the lovely scent that could only come from her favorite conditioner. Feeling curls form beneath her fingertips and recognizing the shrinkage that was appearing made her smile. Rinsing the conditioner out, she squeezed the remaining water out and rinsed off the soap that had formed on her temple as well. Afterwards, she turned off the water and opened the shower door, cool air hitting her abruptly, causing goosebumps to form along her exterior. Stepping out, she reached for a pink towel that lay on the black rug that welcomed her toes and wrapped it around her petite frame, only to grab the cotton shirt that once lay on top of the towel and wrapped her hair with it.
Sweet melodies erupted from her temple as she began to clash songs together. From Abel to Tiller, to Miguel to Father, she displayed her own album and exited the bathroom and waddled into her room. Now, fully awake she went back into her closet and searched for formal attire. Although, her job consisted of semi-formal attire she felt the need to go above and beyond, even when she didn't need to.
Grabbing a long-line olive coat, a pair of dark semi skinny jeans, and a white turtle neck from her clothes she threw them onto her unmade bed and stared at them for a moment, only to glance over that the clock.

8:12 am

   Huffing she removed the towel from her frame and began to put on a few coats of deodorant and bathe herself in the lushest scent of warm vanilla. After rubbing the lotion in, she slipped on a pair of neutral undergarments along with a black v-neck cami. The humming that had died down while she searched for something to wear once more, picked back up. Grabbing her dark pair of jeans, she grazed one leg through, then another. A swift movement of the hips, a zip, and a click filled the room; the jeans were on. Aria slipped on her tank top, tucked it into her pants and brought her sweater over her head. While she hummed another sweet melody, she headed towards her bathroom to finish the rest of her routine.

Nails clicked away at the keys on the desktops keyboard. Logging the latest investments of the business and updated the stability of board cost.
A small buzz rang at her ears but her eyes stayed glued to the lighten screen that held multiple numbers.

Her phone buzzed once again; the clicking of a keyboard died down. Removing her orbs from the computer she reached for her phone and unlocked it.  Tapping on the message icon, she leaned back into her leather cushioned chair. A few threads with a blue bubble beside the contact appeared but she tapped on the first one.

Lanae: So..we're ignoring people this morning?- 10:30

Lanae: Are you serious rn?-10:35

Lanae: Dude. Fight me. - 10:36

Lanae: Alright. Bet. -10:39

    Mentally rolling her eyes, she exited out of the thread and clicked on another. This morning was simple. After finishing her routine, she grabbed a banana that she still hadn't touched and a chill frappé that was hidden in the fridge. Afterwards, Lanae attempted to converse with her but failed miserably.

The worst thing Aria could've done know, was turn on and off her read recipients because of the pettiness she was capable of withholding.

Daniel:..bae -10:41

Daniel: ..I just wanted to check on you. I've been calling. -10:41

   Aria took in a shaky breath.

Him calling didn't register. He checked on her constantly after her departure but to her something was still off. A different wave of emotion hint her and she felt indifferent. Different apart from him was something that bothered her but as it started to progress, she felt more and more distant; his lack of conversation or there lack of affection became less troublesome. Almost as if she'd adapted to it. There was this numb feeling that consumed her more than she anticipated. It used to bother her and now it seemed like the norm. She just wished things were different but the more the feeling consumed her, the more she realized she was losing it all. Slowly slipping away from the one who used to make her the happiest. It was ironic how the one who could make her the happiest could also make her the saddest without even trying.

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