0.13: Flying Solo

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       A/N: I almost called this chapter Home Bound or Home Sweet Home but then I remembered. Christopher made a song that involved an airplane . (LOWKEY: Dead right now). I wrote some of this at like two in the morning so my head was everywhere . The song is mad old. Excuse the typos .

Memories came rushing back to the surface before Aria could even plop down in her reserved seat. Sliding the Beats that were around her neck she pulled them up to her ears and removed her phone from her sweats. Her hand searched for the device that was held in her pocket. Sliding the cord into her phone she switched the device to airplane mode and shuffled a random playlist . Sighing she let her body relax. Her departure was simple. Daniel knew she was leaving sooner than he originally anticipated. When Aria stated she would be leaving when the next flight was available, she meant it. To say she didn't give Daniel a warning would be crude yet she didn't give him an official one. She didn't state she was leaving on this particular day in an ideal manner. She simply left.
      Feeling an arm brush against herself , she slowly looked over . Her jawline perfectly defined as she clenched her teeth together and saw the muscular gentleman situate himself into the seat next to her.
His skin was a silky coffee color, much lighter than her own. His hair rested near his shoulders and his thick eyebrows appeared to be well groomed, for a man. Although, his hair and eyebrows were tamed his facial hair made another statement; claiming the exact opposite. His attire was well put together and a wife of luxurious cologne trickled at Aria's nose in a swift motion. Beneath his greenish blue peacoat blazer was a dark washed denim shirt. The colors compliment the pair of non-jet black slacks he wore with the top. On his feet were a pair of black church shoes that topped the entire outfit. He either cared about leaving a good impression and had a great eye for attire or he had a stylist that picked out his crisp suits.
Rolling her eyes, she shifted . Shifting was her attempt to make sure his heavy set arms wouldn't constantly knock the wind out of her fragile frame every five seconds during her flight. He looked over, taking in her features and giving her a warm smile . Aria's eyes roamed from his to her opposite side, her eyes staring into the pool of nothingness, only to land back on his before giving an unpleasant slight smile. Although, her actions gave off a distasteful vibe, a husky laugh emerged from the guys throat. Pointing at his eyes, he signaled for her to remove her headphones. Taking a deep breath, she removed her headphones and stared at him with a deadpan expression.

His smile slowly dissolved .

"Why are you so irritable ?"

"I was told no one was going to be sitting beside me."

"So you're grumpy because I planted myself in this seat that I bought?" He furrowed his eyebrows, wrinkles forming creasing his forehead.

Aria scrunched up her face.

"I just said that." She said slowly, putting emphasis on each word. The gentleman took a deep breath before exhaling and shaking his head .

"Are you sure that's why you're so irritable?"

"Why do you care? I did not book a flight to sit beside a random strange and converse with them. I thought this trip was going to be everlasting bliss. I envisioned stepping a foot onto this plane with a glint in my eye and a slight smirk tugging at the muscles in my face but you see, things didn't work out that way. Now, I'm sitting here rambling on with some random guy who had the audacity to bump his steroid looking.." She mumbled a few words under her breath, "beside me. Who is questioning me like he's somebodies father and seems too friendly."

The guy licked his lips and nodded before rubbing a hand over his beard and smirking. Groaning, Aria realized she'd shared more information than she anticipated.

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