Chapter17 - Sam, I...

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-         Oh my gawd! I’m so tired! – I moaned after three hours of shopping. – Can we just go sit down somewhere?

-         Yeah, just let’s go through Mac first. – Zoe laughed at me.

-         That’s gonna take you girls ages. Can’t I just wait outside? – I complained once again.

-         No! You wanted girl-time. You’re not spending it outside the store! – Nay butted in.

-         But… - I started only to get interrupted by Louise.

-         But no nothing. You’re coming in, me and Zoe are picking your make up and we’re gonna go for coffee and manicure and pedicure afterwards! Then we’re gonna do your hair and pick your outfit and then we’re going clubbing with the boys, where you’ll tell Sam how you feel. And you’ll be so stunning he won’t know how to say even say yes, let alone mumble a no. – She rambled on.

-         Haha, okay. You got me. – I laughed agreeing to go into Mac.

Truth be told, I’m not a very girly girl. I do enjoy spending time with other females and doing typical girly stuff, but not as much as normal girls. When I said I needed girl time, I was thinking more like a movie and ice cream maybe go through a few shops. But these girls, these girls enjoy their shopping. Like a lot. I can’t keep up. I just can’t. It’s been three hours and they are still going through racks and racks, and then more racks. How much racks could there be in one mall?! Well apparently… A lot!

-         You girls done? – I asked hopeful after 20 minutes.

-         Yeah, let’s go to the cash register. – Zoe smiled at me.

-         Oh great. – I sighed and skipped happily towards the desk.

-         That she skips for. – I heard Cath say behind me and the other girls laughing.

-         I heard that! – I yelled laughingly back.

I was smiling like an idiot at the cashier while I was waiting for the girls to come so we can pay for our stuff. As soon as we paid and Zoe had showed me which stuff are mine, I had stuffed them in a Mac bag, which the cashier lad had handed me, and stuffed that bag into one of the huge ones filled with clothes in my hands.

-         Where to now? – Nay wondered out loud.

-         Somewhere with chairs. – I said dead serious though everyone erupted in laughter. – I’m serious. – I added, but that caused only more laughter.

-         I know a great café down the street. – Zoe stated.

-         Oh yeah, the one with the little muffins? – Louise said trying to make sure she knew what her friend was going on about.

-         Yeah, that one. – Zoe confirmed. – Shall we go?

-         Sure, I’d go for a muffin. – I smiled happily.


-         Wow! It really is a cute place! – I agreed as we were walking in the café.

It was a very small one, not bigger than a semi-large living room, but a very stylish one with its dark mahogany tables and the dark burgundy colored sofas which went perfectly with the smoky walls and the big crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Here and there were scattered big mahogany coffers filled with books and crystal vases with white Lyly bouquets. In short, the whole place was worth a lot more than it was making.

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