Chapter20 - Give me one good reason to stay.

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-         We’re going to Manchester tomorrow. – Sam stated confusedly, but surely.

-         Sam, I uhm… - I took a deep breath before finishing my sentence. -…I think it’s best if I stay here.

-         What do you mean? – He asked even more confused.

-         Sam, I’m not coming to Manchester. – I said slowly, making sure he understood what I was saying. – I’m staying behind, here in Wolverhampton.

-         What?... Why? – He struggled to find to right question to the answers he seeks.

I could see it in his eyes. He was seeking just a clue to why I was saying what I was, which made no sense to me. After all it wasn’t only I that was feeling awkward and not in the right place, was I?

After a couple of minutes of staring and glaring at each other, trying to make any sense of the situation we had found ourselves in, Sam finally managed to choke out:

-         You can’t leave!

-         Why not? – I asked, my tone raising a tad. -  Why should I stay? I shouldn’t have even come along in the first place! – Tears started brimming my eyes, making the boy in front of me seem blurry. – I came here for school, to have a good time with my mates. But ever since I got on that freaking airplane everything went down south! And when I met Maz and you, I thought things were starting to look up and I… I just… everything  was going great and I really liked you guys. – The tears started spilling from my eyes, leaving salty lines down my cheeks, my voice cracking every so often. – I mean we did get on really good. And then Mazzi asked me to come on the road trip with you guys and I didn’t even think. I just shot a sure yes. And then Louis came along and all these great people you introduced me to and I was having the best time ever. But then I started to get closer to you and you were being all cheeky, charming and… just you, you know. So I started to develop these messed up feeling for you. And I knew that you didn’t feel it too. I knew.  I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. But then Zoe said something and I got this hope that maybe you did and I wasn’t just fantasizing… And then we went to the club and I started drinking and… I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I was drunk and I went for it. I just… I ruined everything. I’m sorry…

I rouse my hand wiping away my tears, finally having the courage to look Samuel in the eyes. He was just staring at me blankly, like my words weren’t getting to him at all. But I knew he heard everything I said, he just needed a few moments to assimilate it.

I took a deep breath to calm my heartbeat down, before I continued, once again breaking the eye contact:

-         Nothing’s been the same these past couple of days and I know it’s my fault. I’m making it awkward and uncomfortable for both me and you. But not only for us, for Louis and Maz too. – I started a lot calmer and slower. – I’ve been pushing them in the middle thinking it will go away. But it won’t. And as much as I loved living on the bus with you guys, it’s hurting me much worse to know that I’m ruining your road trip. So I decided that I’m staying here. This way… it’s better for everybody. I’m gonna go back to school and you guys will go back to the road trip, as it was planned before I came along. – I finished looking calm, but screaming on the inside.

My heart was aching, just having said that I was leaving them made me shatter on the inside. I looked up at him again, giving him a sad smile. I was expecting to see that same blank expression again, but it wasn’t there. He was staring at me though, only this time there was so much emotion. Pain was picking from behind his eyes, a sadden expression on his face ruining his handsome features, he was taking in short breaths as he finally opened his mouth to speak:

-         You… You can’t leave.

-         Why not? I’m only ruining it for everybody. – I raised my tone. –So why the heck not?!

-         You… you just can’t. – He choked.

-         Why Sam? Give me one good reason to stay. – I said looking up at him expectantly.

We stayed silent, just looking at each other for a few minutes.

-         So I thought. – I gave him one last smile, before turned around and started walking away…

I couldn’t have walked more than ten meters, before I stopped dead in my tracks after hearing my name being called by a voice I thought I’d never hear calling after me again. I heard footsteps approaching me. Still with my back faced towards him, I listened intently to what he had to say:

-         You can’t leave… - He paused.

-         Oh yeah, why the hell not? – I asked, swiftly turning around almost bumping into him.

“Why is he so close?” – I asked myself.

-         Kal, you can’t leave, because… because I like you too. – He finished his sentence.

Before I had time to even assimilate what he had said, Sam cupped my face in his soft palms and slammed his lips onto mine…


Hey guys, how are you? Sorry it been a while since I’ve updated and I’m sorry that it’s short. It’s just that I’m in the final couple of weeks of my semester and I’ve got loads of exams, plus a mate of mine hooked me on the Supernatural series.

So.. anywho how do you feel about this chapter?! Please vote and comment. And I’m sorry to be a beg, but it’s just that I’m putting my heart and soul into this fanfic and I’m not getting any feedback. So I won’t update before the chapter gets 25 votes and 10 comments…

Sorry, Love you though.

Ally. xx 

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