Chapter23 - Assholes.

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I was running down hall as fast as I could, not looking backwards afraid of who or what I might see. I couldn’t see where I was going due to the darkness which only made my scare that much worse when I tripped and fell to the floor screaming. Once I rolled over and saw a dark silhouette standing above me, I gave another deafening scream.

I was expecting literally every other kind of response, but the one I got.

-         Damn nigga! – A voice said laughingly. – This was not the reaction I expected.

That voice and manner of speaking, I’d recognize them anywhere. Maz. I got up in an instant and threw my arms around him in a crushing hug.

-         Marius, where were you, you dumb fuck?! I was worried sick about you! – I cried into his chest.

-         Awww, was my little Ally scared? – He cued.

-         Don’t mock me! – I cried once again, before I calmed down and added – Asshole. – laughingly.

-          I’m sorry. – He apologized sincerely.

I stayed in his arms for a couple more minutes until I had completely calmed down, then pulled away and said:

-         Let’s go get the others.

-         Speaking of them, where are they? – Mazzi asked.

-         Dunno… Let’s go find them and get out of here. – I said in a serious tone, before quietly mumbling. – I hate this place.

-         Yeah, c’mon. – He took my hand and started leading me in the same direction I was previously running away from. – This place gives me the creep too.

We were walking for about two or three minutes before we found ourselves back in the room where Louis and Sam had told me to wait for them. As soon as we walked through the doorstep we were enveloped in a breath-stopping, rib-crushing group hug. After a couple for squeezes, Maz and I managed to escape and look at our huggers. As I saw Pepper’s and Cole’s smiling faces, I smacked them both hard on the chest and started yelling at them:

-         What the hell were you thinking?! Huh?! You assholes! How could you leave me here alone?! What the fuck’s wrong with you?! I could be dead right now! Do you freaking realize that?! What if there was… - just as I was starting my rant Mazzi interrupted me.

-         Kal, chill. Let’s just get out of here.

-         Fine. – I mumbled. – But you’re still assholes!

We started walking towards the exit and our salvation. On our way to the bus, I continued ranting every so often:

-         Gawd! I can’t believe you!... You assholes!.. I hate you!.. Assholes…

Half an hour later we were safely inside the BoomBus. Mazzi and I were chilling on the second floor, listening to some One Direction tunes and singing very falsely in our most high pitched voices along with the boys. It was a silly way he had discovered calms me down. Louis was driving towards this pizza place Maz told him about, so we could grab a late night snack. As for Sam, Sam was waiting on Louis to park so he could run into the pizza place and get our orders.

After about forty minutes, Pepper and Louis came upstairs holding two pizzas each.

-         Here you go Kal, with extra peppers on top. – Sam said handing me one of the boxes while laughing at his stupid inside joke.

-         Thanks. – I gave him a stare and took the box.

-         What we gonna do now? – Louis said while sitting down next to Mazzi.

-         We could watch a film. – I suggested.

-         Yeah, nigga! A horror film! – Maz pitched in… but not really.

-         We could watch the “Asylum”! – Sam exclaimed happily as he sat down next to me.

-         Oh yeah, that’s the one with the teens getting lobotomized, right? – Louis added.

-         Haha very funny, guys. – I said, my voice drenched in sarcasm.

-         No, I really wonna watch it. – Peps insisted.

-         So do we! – Louis and Mazzi exclaimed.

-         Fine… Assholes! – I mumbled.

-         Yes! – Sam exclaimed victoriously, before quietly whispering into my ear so only I could hear him. – Don’t worry love, I’ll protect you. – And kissed me tenderly on the neck, just under the ear…


Hey guys, missed me? I really missed you! I hope you enjoy this chapter, even though it’s shit.. But what can I do? I’ve been out of it.. Sorry for not uploading for so long..


and Louis' vlog

check ‘em out!!!

Hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter’s gonna be here sooner, I promise.

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LOL aka Lots Of Love,

Ally. xx

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