Chapter22 - Abandoned asylum? Yeah, sure. Why the heck not?!

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Just to lighten the mood before the chappie, do watch the video in the media box or here’s the link:

And btw do check the A.N. after the the chapter ‘cause it is important about the next chapter ((:

Thanks hope you enjoy! Xx

Chapter22 – Abandoned asylum? Yeah, sure. Why the heck not?!

-          This it? – I asked once Louis had parked the Boom Bus and we had gotten out of it.

-          Yep. – Maz said cheerily popping the P, before adding in a more serious thought. – Why? Not scary enough for you?

-          Na-a-ah… – I said dragging the word while looking around.

The building looked like one of those big, brown, stone build castles you see in them English drama boarding school film that usually end up with your favorite character dead or their best friend which pulled the main character out of some deep dark hole like “Tom Brown’s Schooldays”.

-         It actually creeps the fuck out of me. – I answered honestly earning myself a few laughs from the boys and a mocking comment from Sam:

-         Awww don’t worry Kali, we’ll protect you.

-         Haha… very funny Pepper. – I said sarcastically, staring him down.

-         Shall we go? – Lou butted in.

I took a deep breath bracing myself before answering:

-         Okay.

As Mazzi and Louis started walking down the hill that led to the abandoned building we were about to break in, Sam came towards me and took my hand in his. I tried to pull my hand out of his, but he tightened his grip preventing me from doing so.

-         Babe, c’mon. Don’t be mad. – He said sounding almost sincere, then brought my hand to his lips and placed soft kisses on it making me giggle.

-         You’re such a goof!

-         I know you are, but what am I? – Sam said laughingly.

-         What? – I asked totally confused, before it hit me. – Hey! Wasn’t that from that film we watched the other day? What was it… “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure”?

-         Yeah, yeah. C’mon you nerd! – Peps laughed and started pulling me after the lads.

-         I know you are, but what am I? – I repeated his question.

-         Oh shut it!

After five minutes of running down a hill laughing and pulling on each other’s nerves we caught up to Mazzi and Louis, who were standing in front of some sort of an eerie church.

-         This is seriously creepy. – Pepper said half laughingly.

-         No shit. – I said sarcastically.

-         C’mon, don’t be such a scaredy pants! – Sam laughed at me again.

-         I thought you weren’t scared of this kinda stuff. – Louis shared his observation.

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