Chapter24 - None of this was fake! It all happened!

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Chapter24 – None of this was fake! It all happened!

I was rolling around in bed, still with my eyes closed, trying to find a more comfortable spot on which to fall back asleep, when someone shook me up having other plans for the rest of my morning.

“I’m not going to give up easily boys! Not today!” – I thought and decided that whatever their prank was this morning, they were not going to succeed. I was going to stay with my eyes closed, facing the wall and not bothering to get up and kick their asses… Unless they throw a bucket of water on my face…

-         Wake up honey. – A very familiar feminine voice said.

-         Gimme a minute. – I moaned sleepily.

-         C’mon baby girl, get up. – The voice insisted.

-         Peps leave me alone! – I ordered, but I didn’t hear him going down the buss’ stairs.

-         Peps? Who’s Peps, honey? – The voice wondered.

-         Knock it of Pepper! – I’m trying to sleep.

-         Who is Pepper? – The voice asked. – Do you want a pepper for breakfast?

At this point I was getting a bit weirded out, but I guess I should get used to the boys pranks already. But I think Sam would’ve given up already on the whole woman act. Maybe it’s Maz. I seriously doubt it to be Louis. Yeah, it must be Mazzi.

-         Maz, give up already! – I ordered.

-         Kayo, what are you going on about? – The voice wondered almost annoyed.

And that’s when it hit me. This person could not be anybody else but my mother.

I shot straight up and turned towards the person. Yep, there she stood. My mama. The one and only. As if it wasn’t strange enough that my mum was here, I had to figure out where here was, because it wasn’t the Boom Bus. I looked around for clues where I was at and it took only a second for me to figure it out. I was in my own bedroom back home in Sofia. The room where I had grown up in. It was exactly the same as it was when I left for the school trip to England on which I met the boys.

But wait, why am I here? I don’t remember the trip ending. In fact as far as I can remember I had at least a month and a half left from the trip. Just a few hours ago I was on the Boom Bus watching that asylum themed horror film with the lads. And now I was back home?

-         Мамо, кога се прибрах? – I asked my mum.

-         I dunno darling, I was still asleep when you came back. – My mum answered. -  I guess it was pretty late.

“Why is she talking in English?” – I thought to myself and decided to ask her that.

-         Why are you talking in English?!

-         Honey, you’re acting strange. Are you feverish? -  She asked placing her palm against my forehead checking to see if I had temperature, before continuing in a worried tone. – You seem alright. Did you have a lot to drink in at the party at Nikki’s last night? Do have a hangover?

-         Why are you talking in English? – I insisted again.

-         We always talk in English, Kalina! – She answered annoyed, before asking me again if I’d had too much to drink last night.

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