Chapter 5 The Shelter

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I stand in front of the mirror and brushing my long dark brown hair, I check my outfit out and I'm felling good in my tight jeans, a top who shows my lower belly and my long flat boots. I have some eyeliner, mascara and some blush on so now I'm good to go. I'm so excited for tonight!
"Amelia!" Says Lucas and open my door. - "Are you ready? We're gonna drive now." He says and we head out to the car. Rap music are blasting through the speakers while Lucas knows all the lyrics', it's kinda cool. I don't get why he ain't signing up for the battles but he already told me that he can't rap.
We arrive to the shelter and the bouncer stops me.
"I need to see your ID." He says. What? He didn't check the people in front of me's ID and DeShaun told me I could get in.
"What? You didn't ask for their's ID!" I say angrily and point out the people who just got in.
"But I'm asking for yours." He says coldly.
"That's just fucking bullshit! I don't need to show you shit because DeShaun invited me here!" I say as I begin to lose my temper while Lucas tries to get me to cool down.
"If you're not gonna show me your ID then I have to ask you to leave." He says. Lucas walks in and hopefully he's trying to get DeShaun.
"What's your problem?!" I ask him.
"My problem is that I have suspicion about you not being old enough to be here." He says with anger in his voice. If he gets pissed now then he should just know how bitchy I can get.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I ask him with a sarcastic grin. I stand and argue with the bouncer for a while before DeShaun comes out.
"Yo yo yo!" DeShaun interrupts our argument. - "she's cool, she's with me." He says and grabs me.
"Fine but you better control your bitch cus I think she has an attitude problem." The bouncer says while we're walking which makes me turn around.
"Did you just call me a fucking bitch?!" I yell while walking forward to him, I'm so ready to hit him until DeShaun pulls me back by grabbing my waist. - "I'm gonna fuck you up!" I yell while DeShaun pulls me away.
"Yo you need to chill girl." DeShaun laughs in my ear.
"Control her." The bouncer warns DeShaun and DeShaun promises him that he will. Okay okay maybe I got a bit of a temper but that's just how I'm raised, I'm not letting people walk all over me like that and I don't care how big you are or how old you are, I'm not taking shit from no one. We go out backstage where Marshall, Lucas, Rufus, Robert, Denaun and some others guys which I don't know sit on the couches.
"Everything's cool?" Lucas asks.
"She was about to attack the fucking bouncer." DeShaun laughs.
"He called me a fucking bitch." I say defensively and sit down next to Lucas.
"Yo trust me, you don't wanna fight the bouncers here, been there done that." Marshall says and chuckles.
"He was a fucking idiot." I say.
"I agree girl but you can't go around fighting bouncers, that man could break your bones by blowing air at you." DeShaun laughs.
We're having a good time backstage before the shows starts and I see a whole other site of Marshall today, he's funny actually so funny that he gives me stomach cramps so he definitely shows another site of himself today which I really like.
The show starts and people are battling each other one on one, whoever wins moves on to the next round. I never thought i would be into rap but Marshall was actually right, this is talent! It's amazing how some of them can put words together that quickly and get it to rhyme.
"You like it?" Marshall asks in my ear after a couple of rounds. I just look at him and nod with a huge smile on my lips.
"When is it your turn?" I ask him.
"In about 2 rounds I think." He says. I wonder if he's nervous, I know I would be because what if you choke up there and can't get the words to rhyme that would be embarrassing!
The time comes and it's Marshall's turn and DeShaun introduces him as Eminem, he's gonna battle some tall black dude which calling himself MD. Marshall of course wins this round and people are shaking his hand when he walks down from the stage.
"You were good." I tell him.
"Are you coming with me backstage?" He asks, I nod and he takes my hand and pulls me out backstage where we sit down on the couch. - "Are you coming with us after the show?" How I just wanted to say yes but I made a deal with Rachel.
"I have to go home after the show." I tell him sadly.
"Too bad." He says and drinks of his water.
"Where's your girlfriend?" I suddenly ask and by the way he's looking at me I guess he's not happy about my question.
"What makes you think I have girlfriend?" He asks.
"I overheard a conversation." I tell him nervously.
"Who's conversation and what did they say?" He asks and I can feel I made him angry with my question.
"I honestly don't remember but they just talked about you and her having problems." I answer nervously. He doesn't say anything but I can feel his anger. - "I'm sorry." I softly say.
"It ain't your fault that people are talking shit." He says coldly. We sit in silence for a few minutes because I don't dare to ask him anymore question and he's probably too angry to talk to me. Well done Amelia, now you ruined your chance by being nosy!
"Why are you asking where she is?" Marshall finally breaks the silence.
"I was just wondering, that's all." I say nervously.
"You're wondering why she ain't here to support me?" He asks. Yes I am but I'm not gonna tell him that because he seems really protective when it comes to her.
"No! I was just curious." I assure him. Silence comes over us again, this is so awkward.. I just wanna get up and leave but I just can't. Maybe it's my turn to break the ice but what am I gonna say? - "Where are you guys going after this?" I finally ask.
"We're probably gonna join some party." He says.
"How I wish I could go with you guys." I say.
"Yeah it sucks." He says. We hear DeShaun call a break and he joins us backstage, he shakes Marshall hand and praises his freestyle. Slowly the rest of the guys joins us backstage and they all praise Marshall.
There's a 30 minutes break so after that we go back to the crowd and watch the show. Marshall ends up losing at the end but he's opponent was pretty good.
After the show we walk out to the parking lot and me, Lucas, Marshall, DeShaun and Denaun drive in Lucas' car with me and Lucas up front.
"Where are you going man?" DeShaun ask, apparently he doesn't know that I have to go home already.
"I have to drive Amelia home." Lucas answers.
"Why ain't you gonna join us girl?" DeShaun asks me and leans forward.
"I'm not allowed." I say a little embarrassed. I'm not use to all these rules because my mom was so sick at the end that I practically did whatever I wanted.
"Oh yeah I forgot you're only 16." DeShaun says teasing me which makes the others laugh. I don't say anything in fact I'm just laughing at his joke because I know he's not trying to be mean or anything. - "But I don't wanna mess with that temper man." He then says.
"You have to agree that he was a bitch." I say while turning around and look at him.
"Yeah but I was kinda surprised that you were about to jump a grown man's ass." He chuckles. - "Damn dawgs you should have seen her." He says to the guys and begins to tell in details about my little feud with the bouncer.
When Lucas drops me off at home I'm left with an empty feeling. Tonight was so much fun and I didn't want it to end and the fact that the energy was so good in the car just makes me depressed that I can't join them. I quickly head to bed hoping that Rachel won't bother me but I'm proven wrong when she knocks on my door.
"Oh you're already in bed." She says.
"Mmh." I just mumble.
"Did you have fun?" She asks still standing in the door.
"Yes." I answer her short.
"Well I won't bother you when you're that sleepy." She says and add - "Sweet dreams."
"You too." I mumble and she closes the door.

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