Chapter 31 Shitty start on 1993

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I don't know for how long I've been siting here, I'm waiting for James too come and bail me out. I called our home phone and unfortunately James picked it up, it would have been so much easier if it was Rachel. Sitting here has given me time to think not that it's a good thing because the whole night just replays in my head, I really don't get Marshall and why he's acting like this now? I hate him but at the same time all I need is him right now, I just need for him too hold me close and tell me that's everything is gonna be alright. I'm really nervous about James picking me up because the blood test the police did came back positive of alcohol and drugs, so I know he's gonna be so pissed.
After what feels like forever an officer comes get me and tells me that my bail has been paid, I'm shaking, I'm so scared because I have no idea how James is gonna react. As I come out I see James talking with a couple of police men and it looks like he knows them.
"Here you go James." The officer who follows me out says.
"Thank you Brian." James thanks him with a friendly smile as he grabs my shoulder and rub it, he never does that! What's gotten into him? "Thank you for everything." He tells them all while shaking their hands and some of them he even hugs, are those people his friends?
We get into the car and there's complete silence for a couple of minutes before I decide too speak -"Don't be angry with Lucas.." I only get to say before James slaps me hard on the mouth with his outer hand.
"Shut up Amelia!" He tells me. I feel my blood running from my lip and it hurts like hell, tears begin to roll down my cheeks. "You are lucky that I have a lot of friends on that station so you didn't get prosecuted."
"I am." I cry.
"Are you aware of how humiliating it was for me to pick you up at the station?" He asks me.
"This wasn't my fault, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." I tell him.
"So drinking and doing drugs was an accident?" He asks me with a very angry voice.
"Like you've never done that." I give him an attitude and he hits me again but just my cheek this time.
"You don't get too talk to me like that!" He now yells at me.
"Just wait to I tell Rachel this." I cry and he looks at me with this demonic look.
"Tell Rachel and I promise you that you're gonna feel real pain." He tells me in this calm voice but I'm not doubting for a second that he's not kidding.
"That guy Marcus who went with the ambulance, I was actually trying to help him when the police arrested me, that was all I was doing." I explain to him.
"I don't care because you broke the rules once again Amelia, you did drugs and drank alcohol which we had a deal that you weren't going to do." He says and I don't answer him so he speaks again "And I find it disturbing that Marshall were sitting a couple of cells from you."
"It was all a big misunderstanding." I tell him.
"The police don't doubt that he beat up that boy." James tells me.
"Marshall didn't do anything." I try to convince him. It's weird because I really hate Marshall right now but still I sit here defending him.
"When are you gonna realize that that boy ain't good for you?" He asks me.
"Me and Marshall are not speaking anymore." I tell him.
"Then why were the both of you arrested together?"
"Like I told you I was at the wrong place at the wrong time." I just say.
"Just be glad that you ain't my daughter." He says. Oh I am! I don't wanna say it all loud because I know he's gonna hit me again then, so I know it's just better too shut up. Non of us say anything else on the way home and I go directly to bed when I get home, I'm just glad that Rachel isn't up because I'm too tired to face her right now.

Next morning..

I wake up by the sound of someone knocking on my door, don't let it be Rachel or James!
"Come in." I tell the person and Rachel opens the door, my god couldn't she have waited a little longer.
"I'm not gonna yell at you." She says as she closes the door behind her. Apparently she can tell that it's the last thing I need right now. Rachel sits on my bed and I can see she looks at my lip, I wonder what James have told her.
"What happened to your face?" She asks me. I want to tell her so badly that James did it but after his threat last night, I don't dare to tell her.
"Nothing." I just tell her and look down.
"Did Marshall do that?" She asks me and I look at her. How could she possibly think that? Marshall would NEVER lay a hand on me, I can't believe that she doesn't suspect her own husband when she have seen it with her own eyes.
"No! He would never lay a hand on me." I tell her.
"Then what happened?" She asks.
"I just got into a fight with some girl." I lie. I don't know what else to tell her and I have no better lie.
"Tell me what happened last night and I won't tell James." She promises me. I believe her.
"Me and Marshall got into a fight because he told me that he has slept with Kim.." I try to tell her but she cuts me off.
"I thought you didn't talk to him anymore." She says confused.
"No but we started talking and he wanted for us to make up again, but then he told me that he had slept with Kim which made me really upset." I tell her.
"I understand why you're upset about that honey." She says and rest her hand on my thigh.
"I then started flirting with some dude to make Marshall jalousie but I didn't know he would be so angry as he did, because when he caught me kissing Marcus he started beating him up." I start to cry but Rachel just keeps listening. "I should have stopped when he tried to beat him up the first time but I was stupid enough to take it even further."
"Love makes you do stupid things sweetie." She tells me in her lovely tone and I just nod. "So what now?"
"I can't forgive him Rachel because he kept telling me that he would never go back to her, but that was the first thing he did when we broke up." I tell her. I'm so heartbroken and so hurt, it shouldn't be allowed to feel like this because it literally feels like I'm falling apart on the inside.
"So are they together now?" She asks me.
"No he told me that they only slept together but it doesn't matter, it still hurts." I cry. Rachel lays down with me in the bed and cuddles me into her chest and I cry even harder. I'm really surprised that Rachel ain't angry with me. but maybe she can see how broken I am and it therefore won't do no good.
"I know it hurts honey." She says and kisses my forehead. Me and Rachel just lay in my bed talking for hours or mostly she just tries to comfort me.
"Ain't you mad at me?" I finally ask her when she gets up from my bed.
"I am but I believe that James already gave you the whole speech, so you don't need too hear it from me as well." She says. If it was just a speech..
"Thank you." I say with the slights smile. Rachel walks out of my room and I start too wonder what my punishment is gonna be, it's weird that neither James or Rachel have mentioned anything about that. Maybe it's time to check my phone.. I have a text from both Marshall and Lucas.

Lucas (1:03pm)
Come to my room when you wake up

Marshall (3:51pm)
Can we talk?

Reply to Marshall (4:17pm)
No I don't wanna talk to you ever again.

I walk into Lucas' room and his eyes widens when he sees me.
"What the fuck happened too you?" He asks me as I close the door.
"Your dad was really pissed when he picked me up this morning." I tell him. "Don't say anything about it because you'll only make it worse." His eyes widens even more.
"My dad did that to you?" He asks me.
"Yes." I say and sits down on his bed.
"What the fuck has gotten into him man?" He asks.
"Don't know." I mumble. My lip hurts like shit today and so does my cheek, I just hope it's gone when I start in school again.
"So what's gonna happen between you and Marshall?" He asks me.
"I'm done." I just tell him. "Hey have you heard anything from Marcus?"
"Yeah he's fine man." He tells me and I'm so relieved.
"How come he didn't tell the police what Marshall did?" I ask Lucas because I find it strange that he didn't tell them.
"I think Marcus wanna deal with it himself plus we ain't snitching each other around here." He tells him and my eyes widens.
"Is he gonna hurt Marshall?" I ask him and my voice shakes.
"I ain't sure but Marcus is the type who handles shit like that himself." Lucas says. Oh my god what have I done? I didn't want anybody to get hurt because I wanted revenge! Why do I always have to make trouble like that? I'm so fucking stupid that I took it so far with Lucas when I know Marshall's temper. Even though I don't wanna talk to Marshall anymore I do not want him to get hurt.
"This whole thing is my fault." I say as I cover my face with my hands.
"No it ain't sis, you couldn't predict that it would turn out like that." He says and now we hear shouting from the kitchen.

Rachel: I don't care James because I think she has suffered enough!
James: Have you lost your mind? You don't think she should be punished for what she did?!
Rachel: Sometimes I think you forget what that girl has been through!
James: Sometimes I think you forget that you should be guiding her instead of being her friend!
Rachel: She doesn't hide anything from me, she tells me everything which is exactly how I want it be! I don't want to lose what I have with her, if I choose to punish her over this then I will lose her!
James: Can't you see how she's manipulating you?!
Rachel: I just know things you don't James that's why I can decide whether she needs to be punished or not!
James: Things you forget to tell me!
Rachel: Because it's between me and her!
James: I'm your husband so you shouldn't hide those things from me!
Rachel: I have this under control James! Loyalty is very important too me and you know that!
James: If you had her under control then she wouldn't had been arrested!
Rachel: She was at the wrong place at the wrong time!
James: She did alcohol and drugs for gods sake Rachel!
Rachel: She spend her night in jail so we're not gonna punish her, end of discussion!

I love that Rachel defends me and it's actually nice to know that she actually doesn't tell James what we talk about, she reminds me more and more about my mom because loyalty was very important to her too.
"Man you're damn lucky she cares so much about you." Lucas says. I definitely am.. Me and Lucas talk for a little while and when I get back too my room I check my phone.

Marshall (4:26pm)
Amelia please I just wanna talk

Reply to Marshall (4:46pm)
I don't wanna talk to you Marshall so leave my the fuck alone

It hurts writing those words but I need too do it, I can't let him hurt me like that again.

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